The Last Samurai

There are only a select few movies that I've seen that I think are great movies. Listed in order they are

1. Gladiator

2. West Side Story

3. Lord of the Rings

4. Star Wars Series

But, I have just seen the movie that, in my opinion, tops all of the ones listed above. This movie is "The Last Samurai". I finished watching it today along with my brother and Dad. I tell you, that movie really touched me. The scene at the end with the Gatling gun, just tore me apart. There have been only two movies where I've felt close to tears, the first being "Gladiator" and the second being this one.

I can easily see how one could walk away from that movie with a hate for technology, but that's not really right. There's something I like to call the "second thought" and that's the second thought that you take after your first impression, and that thought always helps you reason the issue out.  The problem is, most people don't take the "second thought". The problem is not technology, it's technology in the hands of the state. If there was no state, there would be no war, and therefore no need for weapons of mass destruction. 

Personally, where I think you draw the line between "moral and immoral" weapons is, if a weapon cannot distinguish between the guilty and the innocent(nuclear bomb) but is just released on the world, then that weapon should not exist. 



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A Calendar of Stupid Holidays

  Hello all,

     Using the amazing Google Calendar technology I have an online calendar of stupid holidays that I'm willing to bet you've never heard of before! If the title of the day is too long to fit in the little box, then just click it and you'll get the full name. Browse through all the months and see all the holidays you've never heard of!

Note: Blame Somebody Else Day is listed twice, because it occurs on any Friday the 13th. There's two in 2007. 


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Happy Pi day!(No that's not a typo)

Yes, I know, I haven't blogged in over a week, but I have a REASON for that. The reason is, that I wanted to wait until today to post, because today is a very special day. Today is Pi(the number) day! It's the third month of the year, and the 14th day of the month, so the date could be written as 3.14.07, and as you can see the first two numbers make up the number Pi! When I realized this, I was like, "Woah... this is so nerdy I can't believe it."

Want to see the walls infront of you seem to breathe? Just click HERE........... now stare at the moving lines for at least half a minute, and then look at the wall infront of you.... yeah, I know, that's just about the most mind boggling thing I've ever seen, and the background music doesn't help. -_-

I'm sure you're all just sick and tired of hearing about me going on, and on about my resolution to boycott the RIAA for the month of March, but I just want to say that so far I have stayed true to my promise. Also, there's this contest that was put out by the MPAA(Motion Picture Association of America), which is RIAA's partner, except they deal with movies. And yes, I hate them just as much as I do the RIAA. Anyway, the point is they had this contest to see who could come up with the best anti-piracy video. But, the only problem is that, some of the videos are kind of disturbing.... take this one for example.


This video actually won fourth place in the contest. What the heck is up with the guy in the Halloween mask??? As someone on Youtube so rightly said, "So, the message is that if you illegally download, the police will come to your house dressed up in a scary Halloween mask and brutally murder you?" If this is the kind of "creativity" we're going to be seeing out of the MPAA then I fear for the future of movies...

EDIT: I found a discription of what the video is supposed to say to you. The letters PSA refer to the video.

The opening frames which consist of approximately 20 seconds catches the viewer's attention with flashing lights, a police car and officer, along with questions and statements. These statements pertain to the fact that piracy is not hurting anyone. The objective of the PSA is yet to be stated in the following frames.
The following 20 seconds contain graphical scenes and text to portray what you thought was right, is indeed wrong. The viewing audience at this point does not know what it is that is wrong, but is captivated by the uniqueness of the spot and now he or she feels obligated to discover the message. The person in the mask represents what we could consider a pirate. Stealing and threatening the innocent producer, actor, or film crew member. The following scene displays what we can consider the "death of creativity." Simply stated, if you steal someone's creative work, you are essentially killing off creativity.
The last 20 seconds of the PSA display the essential facts relative to piracy. "You can run, but you can't hide;" that is it's not if you will be caught pirating, but when you will be caught. If we can engrave this message into the viewing audiences head, the potential for them to recall the information and form a reaction is much greater then simply stating the facts.
The ending message of the PSA displays the sole purpose of the PSA and how piracy destroys creativity by eliminating jobs in the entertainment industry. It is our goal that this is a lasting impression on the viewing audience and that they will think twice before illegally downloading another video.

Hmmm, according to this I'm a guy dressed up in a halloween mask, who goes into peoples homes and kills them. I was watching more of these anti-piracy videos on Youtube, and alot of them use music from Pirates of the Caribbean... which is a copyrighted movie.... and by the way, the police never after the small fish(individual people in their homes) they have a hard enough time trying to catch the big ones(torrent site admins)

Speaking of piracy, Google is cracking down on copyrighted videos on Youtube... it's getting harder and harder to watch the anime Death Note on there. The fastest uploaders of the subbed episodes are slowly getting their accounts suspended. :(

Bye the way, I am able to defend my pro-piracy view, so ask away! Seriously, I love it when people say anti-piracy things, because then I get to argue back to them.

I saw this amazing chandelier made all out of GUMMY BEARS the other day on Here are pics.



If that isn't amazing then I don't know what is....

I started Softball again this past Monday, and I forgot what shirt I was putting on that morning, so I when I realized I was going to be wearing a shirt that said "GEEK" on it, I said to myself "Oh great, labeled the team nerd within fifteen minutes..." I got alot of questions about it that night...

I've seen vending machines that have snacks, cokes, sandwhichs, watches, but FRESHLY MADE PIZZA???!!! That is something I have never heard of.


When I see things like this, I can't help but marvel at the wonders of the market, being able to create such marvelous things.


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Worst. Toy. Ever.

    I'm not usually one to bash a product, but I'm going to make an exception in this case.

  Have you seen this stuff called "Floam" on the shelves near the checkout counter at the grocery store? Well, here's a picture of it incase you haven't seen  it.



Ok, so this Floam is one of those things which I've always looked at and wondered what it's felt like, but never actually touched it. So, the other day we were at Hobby Lobby and this Floam stuff was right near the checkout counter, and we got it for my little sister who's had the flu, as a kind of "sick toy". So, me being the person I am, really wanted to touch the stuff, so I opened it in the car. That was a really dumb thing to do. This Floam is possibly the messiest, most gluey, stickiest, WORST thing to open in the car I've ever seen(And being the oldest of four, that's saying something). You touch it and all these little balls in pink(the color we got) glue stick to your hand and absolutely REFUSE to come off.  So, there, I'm stuck in the car with pink glue all over my hands. We still had to go to the shoe store so I couldn't touch anything in the shoe store, and it look me about 20 minutes to get it all off when we got home, and my hands still smelled like glue for a day afterward. So, I proclaim Floam to be the WORST toy to get someone EVER. And I guess the moral of the story is two things. 1) Don't buy Floam and 2)Don't open sticky things in the car, because it's a really dumb thing to do. Thank goodness we didn't end up giving this stuff to my 3 year old sister! 

I am proud to say that I have not in any way bought something this month that is protected by the RIAA and that currently I am being viewed as a total radical freak by my Spanish clasmates for having a large sign on my notebook that says "Boycott the RIAA! Fight back against DRM!". But I guess that's the price you pay. 

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Boycott the RIAA!

Today is March 1, and therefore the official month to boycott the RIAA has begun.

According to some users on Digg, this is really old, but I didn't know about it so I'll still posting it here.

Okay, the US government released these signs that supposedly tell us what to do in case of a terrorist attack. But, these signs are so ambiguious that they could mean... well... very different things then they actually are meant to. There's a whole list of them, but here are some of the funniest ones.

If you have set yourself on fire, do not run.

If you spot terrorism, blow your anti-terrorism whistle, or yell really loud.

If you spot a terrorist arrow, pin it against the wall with your shoulder.

Use your flashlight to lift the walls right off of you!

Be on the lookout for terrorists with pinkeye and leprosy. Also, they tend to rub their hands together manically.

If a door is closed, karate chop it open.

Do not drive a station wagon if a utility pole is protruding from the hood.

If the weather is overcast with dark skies, look for worms in the grass.

If you are trapped with no hope of being found, amuse yourself in your final moments with shadow puppets.

People, animal corpses and the biohazard symbol are all at risk of being sucked into the time-tunnel vortex.

To eliminate smallpox, wash with soap, water and at least one(1) armless hand under a faucet with no sink.

If you are sprayed with an unknown substance, stand and think about it instead of seeing a doctor.

Yeah, okay that turned into being almost all of them, but seriously I almost died laughing reading this. My Favorite ones are "If the door is closed, karate chop it open", and "If you spot a terrorist arrow, pin it to the wall with your shoulder."

I've been sick with the flu since Monday, and only this morning woke up feeling better. And I usually NEVER get the flu. One of the worsts parts for me is that I had to go to the doctor, and all medical professionals creep me out...

EDIT: More signs just because they're so funny.

If your building collapses, climb under your table and practice yoga postures.

After exposure to radiation it is important to consider that you may have mutated to gigantic dimensions: watch your head.

If you've become a radiation mutant with a deformed hand, remember to close the window. No one wants to see that.

If you hear the Backstreet Boys, Michael Bolton or Yanni on the radio, cower in the corner or run like hell.

Your respiratory and digestive systems are optional. Cast them aside if you feel you no longer need them.

Survive a biohazard attack by first standing, then begging on your knees, then rolling over and playing dead.

That closet door in your bedroom leads to the gates of Hell. Don't go there.

The middle of a terrorist attack is not an appropriate time to catch up on your reading or paperwork.

In time of war, real Americans eat red meat only! No wimpy fish or poultry, please.

Radioactive materials come in 4 convenient sizes:
   - individual dose
   - family value size
   - neighborhood spray pump size
   - supersize!



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