
Hello all,

First off I want to say that there's a very annoying certain "person" who's been sending me nasty emails, and spamming my blog. I have my suspicions of which member that person was, but I'm not going to say. To that person: Your opinion has no value in my eyes. I've been through this routine too many times to let it bother me. Save yourself the energy, and humiliation, and stop emailing/commenting me.

Before the questions come, the picture of the guy on the right is Murrary Rothbard

I had this great idea for wrapping Christmas presents this year. To wrap them is ALUMINUM FOIL! Sounds cheap I know, but it really great for wrapping awkwardly shaped packages, especially if you're like me and hate using bags. Then all you have to is stick some sort of solid color bow on it, and it looks great. And stands out among all the other packages.

I know every year people ask you the famous question "What do you want for Christmas?" Here's my question.

If you had to choose something for Christmas that was not material what would it be?

Goto go,


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Thoughts for the day

Breaking news all! has revamped it's layout! Every geek in the world is now probably throwing a party due to this exciting event.

I saw Eragon last Saturday, and here's my review of it.

Overall, I really liked the movie, except for one thing. The dragon's voice sounded like the bus thing at the Atlanta airport saying "Concourse A, A as in apple. Please hold on." My two favorite characters are the Shade Durza(I love the hair, should have made his face whiter though), and Murtaugh(love the outfit, and personality) and I thought they were done well. Also, the scenes between Galbatorix and Durza, that were added I thought were really cool. I'm glad they added them. They didn't follow strictly to the book, but I think this way it worked out better for the movie. For example, a good part of the book is devoted to following Brom and Eragon's traveling, and the movie didn't dwell too long on that, which was good. It would have been very boring. The fight between Durza and Eragon, wasn't like it was in the book, but it was still very cool. Overall, I was impressed with the movie, despite was other reviews have said. There could have been some improvements here and there, but overall I really liked it. This movie definitely goes on my list of good movies(along with Lord of the Rings, Pirate's of the Caribbean, Star Wars, and Gladiator)

So there you go.

My recital was a week ago, and here's the recording of the piece I played. There's a few mistakes here and there, but I'm happy over all. You can listen to the recording HERE . Not that anyone would be interested but HERE is a copy of the music. 

Christmas break is here for me and I am so grateful.


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I have now found possibly my two favorite shirts ever.


Simple, yet proudly states what you consider yourself to be.

The other shirt is


In binary code the code for the number "2" is "10" Get it now?

Perhaps I'll buy these shirts for myself has a Christmas present. :)

I had to go this this thing, where I listen to this completely insane lady for an hour and fifteen minute. This person is a real "save the trees, love the turtles" person, and her big thing in life is helping people in other countries. Understand that I have absolutely NOTHING against helping people in other countries. She started off by saying that stores such as Walmart, Target, Old Navy, and GAP are bad stores because they have sweatshops in poor countries. She said that if we buy from these stores then we support these sweatshops, and that means we are evil. Here's what's wrong with this opinion. First of all, those people who are working are free to leave at ANY time. Better off, them working in sweatshops, and earning even a little bit of money, then not working at all, and earning no money. This person wanted to get rid of all factories in those poor countries, but that's crazy because then there are NO jobs, and those people are worse off then before. SO, in order to help them you should SUPPORT those stores mentioned above, so that they can build more factories in those countries, so more people can have jobs. This is just a tiny fraction of what this lady said. Basically, she bashed money, production, and progress the entire time. Then, I listen in shock as the people at my table start saying things like "Yeah! We need to stop buying from those stores!" She had us write down two things on a piece of paper that we were going to do, after listening to her, and I wrote down, "1. I'm going to firmly believe that your crazy, and that you shouldn't be teaching. 2. I'm going to blog about it." Some people stood up and read their papers and it was things like "I'm going to never buy from Wal-mart again, I'm going to tell my parents to only buy things that are bio-degradable, and organic, so we can save the enviroment, I'm not going to buy things that will make me excessively happy because this will be causing some person is Taiwan to not be able to get enough food" and so on it went. I have a friend who went to the class with me, so now we can make fun of it. So, when say my friend is carrying a binder I'll say something like "Hey, is that binder from WAL-MART!!!??? YOU SUPPORT SWEATSHOPS IN TAIWAN!!!???"

I had that online discussion thing again today and here's another question that came up.

Does the government have any business in the area of education? As apposed to private schools?

I say no, because if the government takes care of education then there is no initiative to teach the students well, as with private schools they want to keep the students(the students aren't forced to be there), so the school will do the best it can to teach the kids. There's other reasons I believe this but this is the main one. But, what's your opinion?

I keep adding to this post.....

My dad just got this new little recorder thing, that he's totally obsessed with(for picture click HERE) and I was thinking today, that it'd be a cool thing to record myself playing violin, or piano, and upload so you guys could hear it. Just a thought.

Not that you guys would be interested, but I started playing Vivaldi's A minor concerto third movement(for violin) and I was totally stumped on how to play the rhythm, UNTIL I look it up on the great and all powerful, and found a recording of it. I love youtube!

At the end of this week my Christmas break begins. I will be free from Latin until Jan. 2.

Anyway, goto go now,


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Thoughts for the day

    Hello all, 

It feels like forever since I've blogged. One week.

So, a couple of weeks ago, I applied to have an Ubuntu Linux installation CD sent to me. Ubuntu Linux is a different operating system from windows, the one that you're most likely using now. Anyway, I've been wanting to test out Ubuntu for a while now, but I completely forgot about that CD being sent to me. Well, the CD arrived two days ago, and once the hard-drive on this ancient computer I'm going to use Ubuntu on is wiped out, then I'll be ready to start up Ubuntu! It's very exciting.

I've been reading alot recently. is the ultimate place for geeks who love tech news to hang out. It work by, someone submits a post that links to another post on another site about something. If the other digg users think the link is interesting/useful/funny/etc then they do something called "digging it" When somebody "diggs" a link then that post gets one point. If the post gets a certain number of points(usually around 50) then that post makes the front page, and the person who submitted that link gets fame, and glory. On the other hand, if you don't like the link and you think it is spam/dumb/inaccurate/etc then they "bury" it which in a sense takes away one "digg" from the the post. You can also post comments under the post that links to something, and if you think one particular comment is funny/intelligent/etc then you "digg it up" which gives it a point, and if you think the comment was dumb/biased/etc then you "digg it down" which takes away a point. All comments start out at +0, so if someone diggs you down then your comment has -1 points. The most I've ever seen a comment dugg down is -700. But, that rarely happens. Ok, ok, I'll zip it on now. 

I just recently read the book  Eragon and I totally loved it. The movie comes out next Friday, and I cannot wait to see it! I love fantasy books(in particular books about dragons), so Eragon was the perfect book for me. I'm watching the trailers for the movie over and over again.....

That was a long blog post.....

goto go,


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Heading back home

       I've been staying for the past two weeks in Texas, but today my family is heading home to Alabama(with a 24 stopover at my Aunt's house Wish me luck with that). It's a fourteen hour drive and we'll stay in a hotel on Sunday night and finish the drive on Monday. My Dad's not going to be with us because he already flew home, so Mom's going to be driving, and therefore as the second oldest I'm appointed official map person.(Wish me luck with that also) 

      While I was here my brother and I helped put to my Grandmother's Christmas decoration. As the self named "Computer Geek" I got the job of all the electical wiring. It was really like a puzzle because I had eight spotlights to set up, two wall sockets, and only a limited amount of materials. It was really like a mind puzzle. Took me an hour and a half to get the outside, and another hour to get the inside. But I did it all in the end. 

     Now, I have to pack up my laptop, and start loading my things into the car, so I will say good-bye. 


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