String Quartet

       Most of you will know by now that my main obsession is computers, and the internet. My other obsession is music. I play Violin, Piano, and do some voice. I've been playing music since I was four years old. Yes, I know what question is on your mind. "What kind of music do you like?" I like Classical music the best. And I abhor Country, rock, and rap.(No offense to anybody who likes country, rock, or rap). Anyway, a few weeks ago my Violin teacher asked me to playing in a string quartet with him, in a wedding, this upcoming Saturday. I said "sure!" so this next Saturday I'm going to be playing at a wedding in a string quartet. I'm getting paid $150!

Goto go now,


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Man drops Ipod down Airplane toilet

Here is another story that is ENTIRELY TRUE. I got it off I have not edited it any except to remove some inappropriate words. 


" This ... is going to be a long one. And believe it or not, it's a 100% true story. Its relation to World of Warcraft will not be immediately apparent. Anyway, the gist of what happened is here:

It all started when I got out of my seat to go to the bathroom. I went to the bathroom, washed my hands, and returned to my seat. A little while later the two stewardesses on the flight crossed each other in the aisle. They had a quick conversation that I was in earshot of.

"I locked off the front lav. There's something in the toilet that's preventing it from flushing. Run some water and see if you can clear it." My face immediately turned red. The seat cover! I thought. It must have been too big to flush! I should have thrown it out!

I was so embarrassed. I tried to act normal ... I took a sudden interest in the contents of the seat pocket in front of me, acted nonchalant and all. I watched as the stewardess got on her hands and knees in the lavatory and did unfathomable dirty work.

Sometime later, I decided it would be best if I forgot the whole thing happened, so I went to put on my headphones and drown myself in iPod music. But ... no iPod. I panicked, checked my other pockets. Where was it? Not under the seat, not in the pockets, not ... anywhere. I looked up to the stewardesses. One of them had run past me in a decent clip. She was carrying a green handbook. She brought it to the other stewardess. They flipped through the handbook, read a page, then made a call. The other stewardess had retrieved a blue metal box and was removing some equipment from it.

I put two and two together. I knew what had happened.

So I walked up to the stewardesses, both clamoring over the handbook, and tapped one on the shoulder.

"So, I had an iPod before I went to the bathroom, and now I don't. I think I know what's in the toilet."

We had a quick conversation. I told them, "You don't have to call the TSA or anything, it's just my iPod." They said, "Oh, but we already did."

So now I'm starting to realize that this is turning into a big problem. They offer their condolences, tell me that it's unfortunate, and I take a seat. Okay. So far, not so bad. I return to my seat and spend the rest of the flight trying to act normal.

That is, right up until the pilot comes over the intercom.

"Folks, this is the captain. I don't want to alarm you, but we've found a suspicious device in the front lavatory. Now, we think it's probably nothing, but in this day and age ... you can never be too careful. We'll be landing at Ottawa, where we will await further instructions."

The cabin erupted with commotion. At that very moment, my face fell into my hands. What have I done?

We landed at Ottawa, and we were taxiing to the gate. Without warning, the airplane then lurched to a sudden halt.

"Folks, this is the captain. We've been ordered to make an immediate stop. Buses are coming to evacuate the aircraft." We were to leave all of our belongings on the aircraft; we would be shuttled by bus to the terminal, where we would receive our carryon items.

My face fell deeper into my hands. Next came the waiting. Waiting and listening to more worry and commotion. A lot of us wondered if we could bring cell phones, wallets, passports, or customs forms with us. The stewardesses didn't have any answers; they had never been through this before.

On the one hand, if I brought a cell phone, wallet, etc. etc., and they confiscated it, I would have to hunt and peck for it separately from my carryon luggage. But if I stuck all of that stuff in my carryon luggage, I would only have to find one bag when we clamored for our stuff in the future. I decided the smart thing to do was to stick everything in my carryon. But, I kept my wallet, because I knew I was in big trouble at this point.

It took them 45 minutes to round up not just a bus and air-stairs, but an army of police and customs vehicles. One of the stewardesses took me aside and whispered to me. "Get off the plane last, and talk to the constable."

So I did. I exited the plane last, and spoke to the Ottawa police officer waiting at the air-stairs. I told him that the device was my iPod, and he took down my license number.

I continued to the bus. After a brief wait, it did NOT take us to the terminal. It took us to some industrial facility, where they housed utility vehicles. There, in the open garage, we were instructed to sit and wait. And wait we did ... another 30 minutes or so.

This was possibly the worst part ... While we were waiting I got to overhear the passengers talking about me. Well, they didn't know it was me, but they knew someone had dropped an iPod in the toilet, and they made aaallll sorts of assumptions about this person.

"Why didn't he have it on a clip? He could have clipped it to his pants." Or, "Why didn't he tell the stewardesses? Why is he hiding it from them and making us go through this?"

I could have corrected them. I could have told them that it WAS on a clip and I DID tell the stewardesses. In fact, it was a lot of self-restraint to just keep my mouth shut and not make things worse.

By this time the sense of guilt had left me. This wasn't my fault. Anyone could have dropped his stupid iPod in the toilet. It's really the government here. I mean, at this point the building contained six customs officials, an army of policemen, people from various security agencies, a bomb squad, and a couple of detectives. No one was doing anything. No one was taking charge. *I* didn't create this mess.

The whole time, the officers were watching me. They had told me to keep in sight of them at all times.

Finally, five or six customs officers set up a table and made an announcement. "We will be interviewing each of you one by one. Please form a line. Before we have our chat, make sure you have your ID, passport, and customs information with you."

One person asked, "What if that stuff is still on the plane?" The customs official responded, "Then we will have a more formal chat."

I got in line with the rest of the people, but shortly thereafter two police officers took me out of line. "Come with us."

They took me to a discreet corner. They brought out a tape recorder. I was told to put my hands up on the wall and spread my legs, and I was frisked from head to toe. They removed my wallet, disassembled it completely, and placed each of its contents in its own plastic evidence bag.

"Now Tim, for the sake of the tape recorder, I want you to state your full name and address." I did. "Now, each of us will state our name and position into the tape recorder." There were two detectives from the police department, a detective from Customs, and two members of the bomb squad.

Then started the questions. They were easy at first. They asked me where I lived. What do I do for a living? Why am I unemployed? How come it's taken me 4 months to find a job?

They asked me why I was visiting Canada. I was to visit a friend I met on World of Warcraft, Cara. They took down her name and what I could remember of her address. They asked me how we met.

"In an online game."
"What online game?"
"Umm ... World of Warcraft," I responded meekly.
"What kind of game is this?"
"It's a fantasy game ... it takes place online."
"Fantasy ... like it's got wizards and warlocks?"
"Well, it's got warlocks." (And they need to be nerfed.)

They asked me to describe my relation to Cara. I told them that people meet up in the game and go on adventures together, and that Cara and I were in a guild together that I was the leader of. They confused the concept of a guild with the game, however, and I had them believing that I was the Lord and Leader of all of WoW until I was able to correct them, and explain to them what a guild was.

So, when they put the pieces together; namely, that I was visiting a female person that I had met over a computer game, their next line of questioning went down an obvious path.

"So you and Cara are friends?"
"How long have you known her?"
"About 5 months I think? Maybe less."
"Do you have a romantic relationship with Cara?"
"Do you want a romantic relationship with Cara?"
"OK, so ... if you and Cara were drunk together, and she turned to you and said, 'Tim, let's go--'"

I interrupted him. "Excuse me ... what's the point of these questions?" The detective hardened. "Let me make things clear. I ask questions. You answer them. Do we have an understanding?"

"Yes." I paused. "I just don't see how this is relevant."

He spoke right in my face. "I've got 5 good men going into that airplane right now. Five of my best bomb squad guys. If there is any reason that I should be concerned for their life, then I need to know now. So just answer the questions, and do as I say."

Now the questions became really pointed. What do you think about 9/11? What are your views on the Iran issue? Do you think government is too big, too powerful? Would you ever "make a point?"

He asked me if I knew how to make a bomb. "I have a degree in physics, and I'm not an idiot." Of course I knew how to make a bomb -- what kind of question is that?? The better question is, WOULD I make a bomb? The answer is no.

They tried to trap me with some of their questions. I noticed they would try to get me to contradict myself. Like, I had earlier mentioned that I had never met Cara in real life, so they would later nonchalantly ask me when I had last seen Cara. Stuff like that.

He told me there was a similar bomb scare in LA today. He asked me if I was connected with it. He asked me if I was connected to the "liquid" thing from Britain.

Finally, he was done. He and the two bomb squad guys left. The customs lady followed up with more prying personal questions. She asked me more about Cara, how I got to know her, how we interact, etc.

The interviewers would periodically withdraw to talk about me in French, then return with followup questions. I was picked apart by these questions. They wanted to know how I could pay for my ticket, being unemployed, and what my motivations for visiting Cara were. They had me on the defensive the whole time.

She had finished her interview and I was then returned to the garage where they were questioning everyone else on the plane, one by one. I waited for another hour or so as the bomb squad did their thing (I assume). Eventually, they loaded everyone up on the bus to take them to retrieve their stuff. Except me -- I and two others were to be inspected by Customs.

They took my photo, asked me to wait in the cold for 30 minutes, and then escorted me to a red van. Along the way I passed the detective who had first interviewed me. He was carrying a green paper bag. He called me over.

"I just got it back from the bomb squad. It's an iPod. Do you want it back?"
"It's been in the toilet."
"Yeah, it's messy." Then he walked right up to my ear. "Tim, you're not in any trouble anymore. Nothing you say now is going to be on record. I want you to answer a question honestly, just for me, not for my agency."
He whispered into my ear. "Did you ... did you take a dump, and then drop your iPod in the toilet on accident?"

"No!" I yelled a little too loudly. "Like I said ... I didn't notice it was missing until after!"

"OK, OK. I believe you. You did great, Tim."

I got my wallet back and was escorted by police to the van. I waited some more on this van, and finally it took me to a harmless immigration office. I waited some more there, the whole time being watched and followed by police officers. Finally, they escorted me to the baggage claim to fetch my stuff, and took me to a very private room with some bomb-screening equipment and tinted mirrors for windows.

It was me and a gruff, humorless customs official. He unpacked my luggage entirely, ran the contents of my wallet through a bomb sweep, and carefully examined all of my belongings. He then asked me to turn on my laptop. I did, and he began using it. I saw him open Spotlight and begin searching.

"Do you connect to the Internet on this laptop?"
"Have you downloaded and images?"
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"Do you have any illegal material?"

I waited in total silence for about 10 minutes as he kept searching and searching, until I finally asked him, "What are you looking for?"

"Contraband," he said without looking up at me.
"Such as?"
"illegal movies , hate propaganda."
"movies downloaded  I can understand, that's illegal. But hate propaganda is protected speech."
Now he looked up. "What country do you think you're in?"
"Oh, it's illegal in Canada?"
"I honestly don't know. But that doesn't matter. I get to decide what goes in this country. Do you have a problem with that?"
I paused for a long time while I thought about what I should say to this. "Yes."
"Yes, you do have a problem?"
"Yes, I do. If it's illegal in Canada I'll understand, but saying 'I don't want it in my country' isn't good enough when you're a government official."

Now he was pissed. "Don't fool around with me. I'm sure you want this to end as much as I do. So I will ask you questions, and you will answer. Do you understand?"

Another long pause while I thought. "Yes, I do."

He continued his exhaustive audit of my computer's contents, then returned it to me. We waited for a Customs escort, who showed me out of the room and back to the terminal. There they left me without saying a word, and I was free to go.

I found Cara and Andy, and my vacation in Canada began."


Shocking.......And this man was just an ordinary guy.


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Tell me if you can read this.

Tell me if you can read this. Apparently smart people can. I was able to.


fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

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Take a Look at this!

Take a look at this! PoohBlogs is on Wikipedia! This site is famous! 
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        For my Latin course this year I have to do an "orientation class" for one hour and fifteen minutes every night this week. I had my first one today. To put it was like torture. For one hour and fifteen minutes I sat at the computer in a chatroom with audio listening to this guy who talks INCREDIBLY slow tell all twenty something students in the chatroom how to copy and paste, open an internet browser, use email, etc. I have already known this for four years!!!!!! I was going crazy by the end. I'm certain every kid in that chatroom was snoring at their computer. And I have to go through this every night this week. Every night from 5 to 6:15. And the bad thing is that I can't just quit the chatroom and play "hookey" because the long-winded teacher person will see my name missing and then I'm in big trouble. I think tomorrow night I'm just going to try and surf the web while this guy talks. Otherwise I'll lose my sanity. 

       School is starting up again for me. I have about two billion subjects. Even my Dad(who is NOT one to be sympathetic torwards people when they say they have too much going on) agrees that I have too many subjects this year. But no, Mom still says that each and every subject is important and I must take them all. So stupid. The fact that I'm playing violin at a wedding in two weeks isn't helping my scheduale. But at least for the violin thing I get paid.....

       Welcome all new members! If you need help ask me because I have a pretty thorough knowledge of the software here. 


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The story of the attempted shut down of

       Most of you will heard of illegally downloaded movies. Many of you probably have actually tried it.  But for those of you who don't know the entire process I will narrate it here so that you can fully understand the story I'm about to tell. 

       Most Movies, games, books, music etc. are downloaded using a bittorent program. Most people use azureus. Sites like,, and offer torrents that you download and open using your bittorrent program. Movies in particular are a HUGE size. The average size is about 1.25 gigabytes.(That's a massive file). It takes about three days on a very fast wireless connection to download a movie that size. Only 20% of the time will you get a watchable movie. So right off you can see that there's no possible way that illegal downloading can be costing movie stores money. 

       On with the story. The most famous illegal downloading site is Piratebay is hosted in Sweden. The creators of are some of the most hunted people on the internet. But everybody loves piratebay. Everybody. The following paragraph is only part of a three page article on piratebay. But I'm just going to post the most interesting part. You can view the original post HERE


 On May 31, Swedish police finally arrived with a search warrant and carted off enough servers to fill three rental trucks. The Motion Picture Association of America issued a press release announcing a milestone. "The actions today taken in Sweden serve as a reminder to pirates all over the world that there are no safe harbors for internet copyright thieves," trumpeted MPAA chairman Dan Glickman.

But the three stewards of the site -- 27-year-old Peter; Fredrik Neij, 28; and Gottfrid Svartholm, 21 -- were already preparing their response.

Coordinating with volunteers around the world in an IRC chat room, the trio scrambled to relaunch the Bay at a new location. Peter -- a slim, dark haired, dark eyed geek -- didn't sleep in those first few days, fielding a stream of phone calls from the press while confronting the technical challenge of resurrecting a high-traffic site with a partial database and all-new hardware. "They stole most of our backups as well," he says. "I managed to get some backups out of the servers while the police were in the building." (Peter wasn't arrested with the others, and remains anonymous.)

They took the reconstructed data to temporary hosting in the Netherlands, and three days after the raid, the Pirate Bay reappeared on the internet.

So fast was the Bay's rebound that some news articles reporting the site's demise went to print after it was back up, recalls Peter. The resuscitated site had a few glitches, but the resurrection was remarkable in that it had never really happened before; when the major American rights holders take a website down, it stays down. The pirates delivered a victory message to the MPAA, and the Swedish equivalent, APB, through the site's reverse-DNS, which now read:

Thanks to the press generated by the raid, the Pirate Bay instantly became more popular than ever. The Bay's T-shirt vendor alone now has four people working full time to fill orders for apparel sporting the site's pirate ship logo, and a skull-and-crossbones with a cassette tape as the skull. "They are behind something like 2,000," says Neij. "They are working day and night."

The pirates have since moved the Bay's hosting back to Sweden, where they've built technological bulwarks against another takedown, law-hardening the Bay's network architecture with a system of redundant servers that spans three nations. Shutting down the site in any single country will only cripple the Pirate Bay for as long as it takes for its fail-over scripts to execute, a gap measurable in minutes.

The rest of the article is about the new security technology but I doubt you'd be interested in that. But just imagine it. You're sitting in your house. Probably watching TV. The police burst in through your door. Two of your friends get arrested. You manage to evade the police and sneak backup servers WHILE THE POLICE ARE SEARCHING THE HOUSE. You load them into a truck and set off down the highway. Sounds like something from world war 2.  Peter was amazing. 

     Most of you are probably wondering if I've ever illegally downloaded things. Of course I have! I downloaded TONS of movies and watched them. Almost every single serious internet user has at one point. I'm not alone here.  



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The airport experiance

     For those of you who don't know I've been on vacation these past three weeks. My family and I flew home from Boston MA today. This is a story of my experiance in the airports of Boston and Atlanta.

     We arrived at the Boston airport at about 11:30. We turned in the rental car, and got a shuttle over to the check in point of the airport. We quickly found out that there was no curbside check-in so we went inside. Inside there were about fifty people standing around. Everybody looked confused. We got our boarding passes out of a machine. Then we stood around like everybody else. We quickly found out that when your name was called you walked up to the counter and they took your bags to go on the plane. Well, that's great except that there was about three active counters for what was now about 75 people. So we waited around for 30 to 40 minutes, and finally I almost shouted for joy when our name was FINALLY called. We walked up to the counter they took our bags, looked at our boarding passes, and all that stuff. Next we had to go through security. Aparrently there was a new rule that you can't take any kind of LIQUID OR GEL on the plane. That means no water bottles, no shampoo, no lip gloss. Of course people brought those things so the line took FOREVER because of the TSA having to confiscate peoples possessions. So after waiting in the security line for 30 minutes we finally actually went THROUGH the metal detector. It was after I walked through and was reclaiming my shoes, and backpack that I realized I had just gone through all that for nothing. The only reason I had walked through that metal detector was because the TSA didn't trust me. The whole process is designed to intimidate you as much as possible. Typical government action. You're treated like a criminal and not like a civilian. Also the fact that I was wearing a black T-shirt with a white profile of Murray Rothbard that said "Enemy of the State" didn't help.(Black and white are anarchist colors) Sp anyway, we got through security(finally) and went to our gate. We were early so we waited for a while until it was announced that it was time to board. On the way into the airplane TSA officials had to check all our bags AGAIN. I was thinking "wait a minute. We already went through security. I think most of us are sick and tired of the TSA ordering us around. Why are you searching us AGAIN." So anyway we got on the plane. We flew for 2 and a half hours(after a delay of thirty minutes) and the flight attendants were VERY nice. It was like they were trying to make up for the rudeness of the TSA. So we flew and landed in Atlanta. Then we went to baggage claim. We waited about 20 minuetes before the turn thing actually started MOVING, 30 before we got our bags. Then after that we were free from the airport! 

    If some of you are wondering why the TSA has banned all liquids and gels I'll give you the reason. Aparrently in Great Britain some college kids were sitting around talking about how it would be possible to hi-jack a plane using flammable liquids stored in water bottles. These kids were just JOKING around. They got arrested and now because of that the TSA has banned liquids and gels. It's really stuipd. We were in the shuttle on the way to get our car out of the parking lot and one of us found some lip gloss. My Dad sais "Hey we could hijack a plane with this!" as a joke and we all started laughing.

    Back in the 50's everybody could bring guns on a plane and were actually ENCOURAGED to do so. That meant that any fool knew that if he tried pulling a gun on someone everybody else on the plane would shoot him. So there were no terrorist attacks. Then guns were banned and terrorist attacks actually started happening. I can think of many more areas of life where the government has taken over something and made it worse but I will refrain from mentioning them because I could go on for hours. But the airport experiance really made an impression on me. An impression that will never go away. 



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London's Survey

Hair Color: Brown hair that has different shades of brown. Some parts are light and some parts are dark.

Eye Color: Hazel,

Height: 5' 6"

Hobbies: Computing(making graphics, designing web pages etc), Music, Softball

Fave Color (s): Deep Scarlet Red, and black. No I'm not goth.

Pet Peeves: People who use foul language, people who waste time, people who don't aspire to achieve anything, people who automatically assume that ever girl on this planet is going to get a boyfriend and get married.

Heroes: 1. Murray Rothbard. He was an anarcho-capitalist. He fought for freedom, and he's always been someone I've admired.

2. Deborah Sampson. She was a woman who fought in the revolutionary war diguised as a man. She showed great courage, and I think of her when I need to do something that makes me nervous.

3. Franz Liszt. He was a hungarian composer/pianist. He wrote AMAZING pieces, and during his lifetime was viewed the same way popular singers are viewed today. His pieces always inspire me to try and achieve greater levels in my music.

Fave Books: Hmmm, I think Ivanhoe by Sir. Walter Scott. It's a GREAT book. But I wouldn't reconmend reading it unless you're college level reading because the book is written in old english so it's hard to read.

Fave Movie: Gladiator. It's a BRILLIANT movie. One of the best things for me is the music.(No surprise there)

Fave Shows: I actually don't watch TV. I'm too busy computing. Smile

Other little known details

Adjectives that describe me: seclusive, determined, "leader" type, obsessive compulsive(no not really. It's a joke in my house.)

Religion: Roman Catholic. One of the things that others always think about Catholics is that we worship Mary. No we do not. We honor her as the mother of God. There is a difference. If you guys have any questions please ask them because I really do enjoy it when people ask questions about Catholicism.

Worst Subject: Biology *shudders* I can't stand it. I like Chemistry but I just can't stand biology. The fact that I spent half the previous school year learning about how different plants reproduce didn't help my opinion of it.

Best Subject: Reading, but after that I'm pretty much tied between, english, history, latin, and math. My parents expect me to get A's. If I get a B they're disappointed, and I'm not even ALLOWED to get C's.

Where I want to work: I want to work at the geek-squad. Then after a few years of that branch out into exclusive web programming.

Random: I'm a very fast runner. It's fun to see other's faces when I zip away from them. 


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*Raises eyebrows*

        Did anybody else besides me see the posts by members "-Dude-", "Shutup", and "luckyduck?" The first two listed members, posted "Hey you (INSERT FOUL LANGUAGE THAT I REFUSE TO NAME HERE)" followed by a bunch of "as;dlkfjdlljfj" gibberish. And Luckyduck posted tons of "sldjfsdfadkfjaslkdj" blogs one of which had a note that said "We want this site shut down." For those of you who don't know the admin was active last night, and when LD(who was sara and casey) said something about creating tons of usernames the admin quickly squashed that idea by saying that multiple usernames were not allowed. At this point I shut down the computer and went to bed. Does anybody else have any light to shed on this matter? 


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Great little tool

        In my general internet browsing today I came across this great little online tool. If you go to you can make your own banner. You can only make it a certain size(about 1000 x 200 pixels(100 pixels=1 inch)) but it's still really neat. You can add text and make it marquee across the banner. It has a few bugs in it because it's still in beta testing but once you fiddle with it a little while you can get it to work. 


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      Right now Moderngeek feels like burnt toast. Yep, you heard me. Burnt toast. I went to the beach yesterday and I fell asleep on the sand(with no sunscreen) and slept for an hour and a half. Needless to say that when I woke up( I was sleeping on my stomach) my back looked like a bright red tomatoe. It feels like somebody stuck me in a toast oven!(Hence the title of the blog post) Anyway, I've actually survived these past two days without losing my temper at my grandmother a  SINGLE time. I don't know how long that's going to last though. Anyway, when do you all go back to school? I go back September 1 but I'm homeschooled so I don't have to follow the city rules about when kids go back to school. All the other kids go back on Augest 9. That's two days from now. Jeesh, the summer past so quickly! 


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I'm Back!

     Hey all, I'm back! I'm not leaving again! So how has everyone's week been/ Mine's been Ok. And Welcome all new members! I hope you enjoy PoohBlogs! I'm Moderngeek and I'm obsessed with computers. What's something interesting about you?

    Has anybody read the unabridged verson of "Ivanhoe" by Sir Walter Scott? I read it over the course of the last week. It's written in old english so it may seem really hard but once you get past the "thee's and thou's" it's pretty easy. The book is very funny, but yet at the same time interesting, and once you start it you can't put it down. Well now I'm being called to lunch. Bye-bye for now!


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