
What is your name? Julia

Do you have any nicknames? J, JG

When is your birthdate? 7-22-94

What's your birthplace? Alabama

What's your current location? Alabama

What's your hair color? Light Brown

What's your eye color? Brown

Do you have any piercings? No

Do you have any tatoos? No

Do you have any siblings? 3

Do you have any pets? No

What school do you go to? I'm Homeschooled


Food? I don't have one

Candy? Any Chocolate

Icecream? chocolate

Drink? Vitamin Water

Color? Black, Red

Number? Pi

Season? Fall

School Subject? History, Music

Store? Thrift store :)

Clothing Brand? Whatever looks good

Holiday? International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Book? The Driver

TV Show? Jeeves and Wooster

Movie? V For Vendetta

Childhood Toy? I don't recall having one

< This or That>

City or Country? City

Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate


Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi

Up North or Down South? Down South

Beach or Pool? Pool

Hot or Cold? Cold

Sunny or Rainy? Rainy

Polka Dots or Stripes? neither's really my thing, but if I had to choose one, stripes

Family or Friends? Family

McDonalds or Burger King? Burger King

Chocolate Milk or White Milk? Chocolate milk

Fantasy or Reality? Fantasy, most reality is incredibly boring

Abercrombie or Hollister? I'm really not into either

Hamburgers or Hotdogs? Hamburgers

Ketchup or Mustard? Mustard

Day or Night? Night

Rap or Country? I. Hate. Both.

Sweet or Tart? Tart

Cats or Dogs? Neither


Random Questions

Do you think you're attractive? That's kind of a difficult question to ask someone

If you could meet any athlete, who would it be? Personally, I really don't care

Do you like coffee? Yes

What do you want to be when you grow up? A Concert Pianist, or maybe Historian

Do you wear contacts or glasses? No

Does God exist? Yes

What is your religion? Christian

What is your clothing style? Plain, Simple, Polo shirts, or meaningful T-shirts

Do you believe in life on other planets? Seeing as there isn't any proof, no,

Do you wish on stars? No

Do you support the death penalty? No

How do you want to die? I'll take whatever happens

Do you have any regrets? We all do

Have you ever lied? Yes

Are you honest? hmmm, I wonder :)

How late do you sleep until? Latest EVER: 6:45

Are you vegetarian? No

Do you have a job? Seeing as I'm 13, no(stupid Child Labor Laws)

Who is the funniest comedian? Homer Simpson

Is your hair naturally curly or straight? Straight

Do you die your hair? No

Do you get along with your parents? Yes

What thing do you have an obsession for? American History, Music, Blogging, Digg, Anime

How many shoes do you own? 2, tennis shoes for everyday, and dress shoes for special occasions. That's all I need.

Are you usually a happy person? Happy, as in perfectly satisfied with my surrondings

Don't forget, tomorrow(Friday, 28th) is Ask a Stupid Question Day!
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International Talk Like a Pirate Day

    Unfortunatly I wasn't able to blog on Talk Like a Pirate Day(Sep 19) because poohblogs was being stupid, and getting all sorts of errors. But anyway, I proudly wore my pirate shirt, and freaked out everyone in all of my classes by getting to each one early and greeting everyone with  an "Ahoy Matey! ARRRRRR!". My brother, unfortunately, stands on the ninja side of things, and therefore will have to wait until November 5th(International Creep Like a Ninja Day) to celebrate. I, however, stand firmly on the Pirate side of things.

   Ask a stupid question day is on the 28th so don't forget!

   As you can see, I've changed the layout, and changed the picture to right. I think it might actually be the first one I've had in two years that doesn't follow a very strict column design. I'm happy. 

 On another note, I recently finished the anime 'Trigun', and all I can say is.... wow. After waiting THREE days for the 5.5 GIG file to finish downloading(and stealing a whole lot of the house's bandwidth in the process), I had high hopes for this anime, and I was not disappointed. The animation was done by 'Mad House', one of my more favorite companies, that incidently, also animated Death Note.  Trigun is a western sci-fi, something I haven't watched much of, so that was different.  The balance between humor, and seriousness I think is done really well, and there were some scenes that made me tear up for the first time in a long while. Nicholas D. Wolfwood(on the picture to the right), as now officially replaced L from Death Note as my favorite anime character ever.  

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Caesar, Alexander, Hitler. Any difference?

Yesterday in my humanities class a very interesting comment came up. We were discussing Alexander the Great, and one kid said something like "Well, I think Alexander's empire building was great, because he brought Greek culture all over the world". Me being me, I quickly retorted back "But there are other ways to do that besides war. Example, trade.". But it made me think.

Julius Caesar is always viewed as a great person, who brought Roman influence to the rest of the world, same with Alexander the Great except with Greek influence. But nobody ever says "Hitler brought great German culture to Poland!", that's like social suicide. But the funny thing is, Caesar, Alexander, and Hitler did basically this same thing, which is, try to conquer the world. Yet Caesar and Alexander are praised as great heroes, while Hitler is seen as being the devil himself. Why is this? I think that the farther back in history you go, the more dictators are praised as heroes, simply because no one recent has experienced what really happened. And it also depends a lot on whether the person spoken of was successful or not. But this makes me wonder. In, say, 800 years, will Hitler still be thought of with such hate? Too bad I won't be alive to see.

Just a side note, I now proclaim Garet Garrett to be my favorite writer.  

And, now, I must end with the battle cry of Ron Paul 08!



This is simply a To Read list, put down here so I won't forget.  

Satan's Bushel - Garrett

Fahrenheit 451

The Father Brown Omnibus - Chesterton

Cinder-Buggy - Garrett

As we go marching - Flynn

Ex America - Garrett

The Blue Wound - Garrett 

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    I live in a nice, pleasant, growing neighborhood called 'Grove Hill'. It's got it's fare amount of people, and therefore cars. There is a stop sign at the first turn after you enter the neighborhood from the front. On the opposite side of the road is the neighborhood pool. Recently, there's been police cars stationed there, and if you don't come to a complete stop at the top sign, as in, your wheels bounce back, then BAM, you got yourself a ticket. This happened to a member of my family two days in a row. Now, people slow down significantly when they reach this stop sign, but only a few people actually come to a full stop. Everybody who lives here knows this, as does the local police department. So, whenever the city is low on money, they go and send police cars out to neighborhood stop signs, and make a bundle on stopping people for not stopping completely. So, I decided to get some actual data on how many people actually stop at the sign, instead of just slowing down significantly. So, yesterday, Saturday afternoon I position myself, along with my brother, with a perfect view of the road and a clip board. We monitored the road for exactly an hour, and here's what we came up with.

We did not count cars that were turning, only cars that were going straight through.

Date: September 1, 2007 

Total number of cars marked down: 205

Number of cars that slowed down but didn't come to a complete stop: 174

Number of cars that did come to a complete stop: 31

Start time: 14:29

End Time: 15:29 

 Obviously, the police watching this intersection didn't work, seeing as only 1 out of 5 people actually completely stopped. Another thing worth noting, is that when there was a car turning onto the street all cars stopped, to let him in, and only four cars drove straight through without significantly slowing down. 

 Onto a another topic, it's been an exciting past two days in the world of anime. A 3 hours Death Note special aired on the 31st, retelling the first half of the series from Ryuk's point of view, and giving some info on what happened to the characters that were still alive after the series. And, on the 1st, the first movie in the 'Rebuild of Evangelion' series was released, titled "You are (not) alone". I haven't seen it yet, seeing as it's not been subbed yet, but it must be amazing to see this hit anime from 12 years ago come back to life with the newest technology. In honor of this amazing event, I'm rewatching the Evangelion anime series now, in an attempt to understand better what actually happened at the end. 

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