Worst. Toy. Ever.

    I'm not usually one to bash a product, but I'm going to make an exception in this case.

  Have you seen this stuff called "Floam" on the shelves near the checkout counter at the grocery store? Well, here's a picture of it incase you haven't seen  it.



Ok, so this Floam is one of those things which I've always looked at and wondered what it's felt like, but never actually touched it. So, the other day we were at Hobby Lobby and this Floam stuff was right near the checkout counter, and we got it for my little sister who's had the flu, as a kind of "sick toy". So, me being the person I am, really wanted to touch the stuff, so I opened it in the car. That was a really dumb thing to do. This Floam is possibly the messiest, most gluey, stickiest, WORST thing to open in the car I've ever seen(And being the oldest of four, that's saying something). You touch it and all these little balls in pink(the color we got) glue stick to your hand and absolutely REFUSE to come off.  So, there, I'm stuck in the car with pink glue all over my hands. We still had to go to the shoe store so I couldn't touch anything in the shoe store, and it look me about 20 minutes to get it all off when we got home, and my hands still smelled like glue for a day afterward. So, I proclaim Floam to be the WORST toy to get someone EVER. And I guess the moral of the story is two things. 1) Don't buy Floam and 2)Don't open sticky things in the car, because it's a really dumb thing to do. Thank goodness we didn't end up giving this stuff to my 3 year old sister! 

I am proud to say that I have not in any way bought something this month that is protected by the RIAA and that currently I am being viewed as a total radical freak by my Spanish clasmates for having a large sign on my notebook that says "Boycott the RIAA! Fight back against DRM!". But I guess that's the price you pay. 

on March 6, 2007 at 12:07 AM

OMG I know exactly what you're talking about. my brother really wanted it but when he got it that's exactly what happened. except (being the kind of person he is) he bought like 4 tubs of the stuff. so he opened one and hated it. then he decided opening another one would be better. and he kept doing that until he had purple,green,white and blue all over his shirt and hands. it was horrible. he asked me for help and I thought you just have to knead it around to make it ready, but boy, was I wrong. I agree that floam is probably the worst toy in the USA! nobody buy it! bad idea!
on March 6, 2007 at 2:42 AM

I know!!! I hate floam! for my cousins birthday, his parents got him floam, and he played with it and he hated it!!! but since his parents got it he has to play with it sometimes!!! i have blue foam, but i never mess with it! want to be my friend?
on March 6, 2007 at 2:53 AM

hahaha yeah i know!!! i was babysitting one time, and the kids had just gotten it, so naturally the first thing we HAD to do was to play with the floam. well, of course it ended up getting ALL OVER THE KITCHEN!!! including, on the ceiling. dont ask me how, because i dont know, haha. but anyway, seeing, as how im not the tallest person ever, we spent about an hour and a half trying to get this stuff off of the ceiling. it was awful, i felt sooooo bad! so yeah, i can sympathize with you on this one.
on March 8, 2007 at 1:11 AM

Ugh, I know what you mean. Last Easter my cousins caame over with of course floam! I like you really wanted to know what it is like (I have to touch everything!) so I did and ended up with it stuck to my hair, shirt and pants. It was horibble!!

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