Simple = Insult to God! /sarcasm

    I shall now discuss the topic of my Biology class. To clear things up, this is a homeschool class, meaning there's ages 13 -me- to 16 taking it. It's just the way thing work out.

    Now, we use the textbook that is clearly, blantly, obviously, shamelessly written from a Christian fundimentalist point of view. Leaving in the dust the issue of whether religion belongs in a science classroom, this book does us all a favor of reminding us every three paragraphs that to -and I kidd you not- "not place any faith in science, because it will always be disproven, and only place faith in God." Very dumb. For pete's sake, if you think we're all going to become atheists just because we're studying biology, then you have some serious thinking to do about what you believe. 

    It also tries to convince us calling anything 'simply' is an insult to God's creation plan. "Just because these tiny microscopic cells have to be magnified to 10,000x to be seen, consist of five parts, can do nothing except float around aimlessly, and possess no intelligence at all does not make them SIMPLE. NO! These must never be called SIMPLE, because God designed everything to be perfect!"  Because apparently calling anything simple would be an insult to God, I guess we have to start calling simple cells less-complex-then-anything-else-but-they-are-still-special cells. 

    The chapter on Evolution? Big bunch of bashing worthy of 4chan. I'm far from an evolutionist -prefering to take a neutral stance of "meh"- but gosh darn it, those things just drive me nuts. Global Warming chapter wasn't much better. On the test there was actually the question "Is Global Warming true?" It strikes me very much that that is a totally in-valid question to be asking on a highschool test. I answered yes -"correct answer" was no- just to be contrary.

    And yes folks, there's more. We spent the past class spending 2 WHOLE hours talking about..... leaf shapes. I kid you not. Leaf shapes. "Look kids! Isn't this shape fasinating! Or what about the direction of the veins! Ah, don't you just love science!". Class: *goes on paying no attention*. At the end I felt like saying, "Give me back my 2 hours of life!"

    Ah well, onward through life. I will be sure to keep in mind to never trust anything someone tells me(except my biology book of course) because they're obviously trying to get me to become a satanist. 

on  May 20, 2008  at  2:19 PM

Say what now?
on  May 28, 2008  at  2:10 PM

hee hee I hope you enjoy further science lessons! How are you btw, i have not been on in AGES!
on  June 2, 2008  at  4:23 PM

I`ve been bisy.

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