Chant-Music for Paradise

      Summer is upon us, gracing me with it's school-free days. After living through killer exams, I am found fully mentally intact on the other side of the bridge. I continue to live my existence taking interest in things such as the comparison of the average number of tickets per game at Shakeys vs. Chuckee Cheese. I had one of the girls on the team I helped coach this year tell me "Man, you really are a geek". What?! You mean just because I was walking around the game room writing down the number of tickets coming out of each game, I'm a geek?! Neeeeeeever.

    So, here's something interesting I was thinking about the other day. "A lot" and "lots" mean the same thing, right?  But one's singular and one's plural, this must mean mathmatically that both words must equate to 0. But, they mean a number of things at least over 3. Don't let anyone ever tell you that English makes sense. 

    There's been a new CD released by Universal titled "Chant- Music for Paradise", and my friends, it is simply amazing. Breath taking. Perfect. I've never heard chant sung so well before. It's perfectly seemless in every way. It's been released in Europe, and instantly became a best-seller. Truely, this CD is not just for Chant nerds, it's for everyone who can appreciate music, and beauty. To me, it's so vibrant, colorful, and free that I think of red/gold/orange tinted clouds when I listen to it. The CD's being released in the US sometime in July(I think), but in the meantime, if you don't want to pay quizillion dollars for it, the bootlegged version is right HERE.  You can tell the CD's great when it's been bootlegged! 

     Arrr, matey's let's hoist the pirate flag, and continue to pirate our music, movies, and anime! Arrrrr. 


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