The Last Samurai

There are only a select few movies that I've seen that I think are great movies. Listed in order they are

1. Gladiator

2. West Side Story

3. Lord of the Rings

4. Star Wars Series

But, I have just seen the movie that, in my opinion, tops all of the ones listed above. This movie is "The Last Samurai". I finished watching it today along with my brother and Dad. I tell you, that movie really touched me. The scene at the end with the Gatling gun, just tore me apart. There have been only two movies where I've felt close to tears, the first being "Gladiator" and the second being this one.

I can easily see how one could walk away from that movie with a hate for technology, but that's not really right. There's something I like to call the "second thought" and that's the second thought that you take after your first impression, and that thought always helps you reason the issue out.  The problem is, most people don't take the "second thought". The problem is not technology, it's technology in the hands of the state. If there was no state, there would be no war, and therefore no need for weapons of mass destruction. 

Personally, where I think you draw the line between "moral and immoral" weapons is, if a weapon cannot distinguish between the guilty and the innocent(nuclear bomb) but is just released on the world, then that weapon should not exist. 



on March 26, 2007 at 7:10 PM

Well said. The Last Samurai is also one of my favorites, particularly for the battle scenes and the background history.
on March 26, 2007 at 8:27 PM

OH wow, need to see that soon sounds like my kinda movie! Also I saw West Side Story a bit ago and I am the kinda person who really doesn't like thge whole burst out singing type style movie, but I'd say they pulled it off. Two thumbs up :D
on March 26, 2007 at 9:23 PM

One of the things I'm wondering is how much time was spent on research alone. It was also fun to see how much of the Japanese I could understand. Considering the only Japanese I've learned is through watching anime, I don't think I did too badly.
on March 28, 2007 at 4:44 AM

Yes, The Last Samurai is indeed a great movie. And I agree with you about the whole moral and immoral thing. At first, I thought this was just a review of the movie, but then I read on and found out it wasn't. You write well.

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