New Blog layout

     I finally found a new blog layout that I liked. It's the first layout in a long while that hasn't had red as the main theme. In honor of my new found love of Lord of the Rings I put a picture of Legolas as my blog icon. Legolas is so cool! 

     I have a Latin Exam tomorrow. If I don't do well then I'm dead. But I think the exam will be okay because the stuff being covered is mostly review from previous Latin courses I've taken. But wish me luck! 

      Well goto go now,



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Lord of the Rings

     Who here likes The Lord of the Rings series? I TOTALLY adore J. R. Tolkein, and I think the movies are brilliant. The LOTR movies are on my list of five movies which I enjoyed seeing a second time. Legolas and Eowyn are my favorite characters. 
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Coke Museam

     We went to the coke museam in Atlanta today. There's this one part where you get to try different cokes from around the world. I tried this fanta stuff from Costa Rica and it was DISGUSTING. But most of the other stuff was ok. 

 Here's something I thought was neat. You can make you're own.



And here's one of those quizzes.



What's the Color of Your Blog Personality? Quiz at About Web logs and...

My Blog Personality's True Color Is...

It's all about passion, heat, and intensity.
I take pride in my strengths and I learn to deal with my weaknesses. I like to blog about things that really matter to me.



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Completely pointless quizzes that I can't keep away from

Here are the results from some quizzes I took of this funny site. Be warned that most of them don't actually express my personality but are just fun. 



You are OS X. You tend to be fashionable and clever despite being a bit transparent.  Now that you've reached some stability you're expecting greater popularity.
Which OS are You?



You are Lisp.  Very few people like you (Probably because you use too many parenthesis (You better stop it (Reallly)))

 Which Programming Language are You?

For those of you who are wondering Lisp is a programming language. 



THIS quiz actually expressed what I'm like.



You are You like to make people laugh. You like to make fun of people who believe your jokes.  You are geeky.  You are the best.
Which Website are You?


 All of the quizzes are pretty stupid but I just couldn't bring myself to pass them by! Cool

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Spread PoohBlogs Campaign

There haven't been many new members in a while, and Pooh Blogs needs more activity. SO, I propose that we(the members) start a kind of capaign to spread poohblogs around to our friends, and anyone else who might be interested. So, here's a list of ways to spread poohblogs around. Add, your ideas in comments below.

  • Through email signatures. You'd be surprising how much differnce adding a ", is a blogging site for kids!" at the bottom of your emails have can have.
  • Through just plain telling people about it. Tell people at school about poohblogs!
  • By, putting buttons on any sites you might own, or post on. I'm feeling lazy right now, but I'll put up some later today around 3.

I'm out of ideas, so add your own in a coment below!


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BitTorrent User Pleads Guilty

      Here's a neat story I got off It kind of made me nervous. I'm going to start using IP hiders when downloading. 


Scott McCausland pleaded guilty today to “conspiracy to commit copyright infringement” and “criminal copyright infringement”. McCausland was a avid member of the “private” BitTorrent tracker Elitetorrents, that was taken down by the FBI, May 2005.

This case is the first BitTorrent related criminal enforcement in the US. 24 year old McCAusland could be sent to prison for a maximum of five years.

The plea was announced by Attorney General Fisher of the Criminal Division and U.S. Attorney Buchanan of the Western District of Pennsylvania earlier today. In a response to this case U.S. Attorney Buchanan stated:

“This groundbreaking case demonstrates the commitment of the Department of Justice to prosecute individuals who use new technologies to undermine the copyright laws. It also serves as an example to those who believe that there is anonymity in cyberspace.”

When Elitetorrents was taken down May last year, the frontpage was replaced by this FBI takehome message.

elite torrents fbi

FBI’s Operation D-Elite resulted in the permanent shutdown of the Elitetorrents community. The irony of this case is that it concerns a so called “private tracker” that is believed to be “more anonymous” than public trackers. Strange enough, there is no “we told you so” press release from the MPAA yet, but I bet it wont take long.

McCausland is scheduled to be sentenced on December 12, 2006.



You probably already know my opinion on this so I'm not going to express it but here are some responses from other people on this issue. I tried to post comments that represented both sides of the issue. 



by darkened on 9/12/06

+ 111 diggs bury this digg this

Sigh, this is my good friend Scott. He's my girlfriends cousin. Theres alot more to the story than just the fact he ran his private tracker but i'm not going to go into that since it might be gagged by the court and i don't want to see him face any more trouble than he already is. But regardless, he's facing 2 years in a medium security federal penitentiary for copyright infringement with out monetary gain.

Its utter junk. It makes me so sick that our country has been so bought off by corporations they can dictate laws that will sentence a brilliant young man to prison for years and destroy the life he has afterwards for imaginary profit loss of xxxx company.

I seriously hope the real people behind why he's going to jail suffer dearly
for their actions.


So that person clearly supports illegal downloading, now for the next commenter. For those of you who don't know riaa stands for Recording Industry Association of America and mpaa stands for Motion Picture Association of America. 


 by thewebguy 1 hour ago

 i know we all hate the riaa and mpaa, but at least have a little sense. when you download files over BT you know you're breaking the law, you're obtaining someone's work without paying for it, you're just not likely to get caught. when you are really involved in a torrent site you need to know the law and know that you are on the bad side of it.

say what you will about whether or not they actually lost money, "oh i wouldn't have seen the movie anyway". it doesn't matter.


So THAT person thinks all people who illegally download things should be thrown in jail.


I counted up all the comments and here are the statistics.

18 out of 28 people thought that the punishment was injust, ridculous, and that illegal downloading is perfectly fine.


5 out of 28 people think it's a terrible thing to illegally download


5 out of 28 people are unsure of what to think.


Very interesting huh? Keep in mind though that this is an internet geek site where 2/3 of the people who surf it probably are downloading movies right now.

I read in Wired Magazine that 67% percent of teens see nothing wrong with illegal downloading. Needless to say MPAA was not happy with America's teens.  



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School, Mozilla Firefox 2.0 RC 2, and

       School's in full flow for me. Believe it or not I actually LIKE learning. I'm homeschooled, so I'm able to skip things that  are too easy, and I do school in the summer. As a result I at least three grades ahead in every subject. I've been taking Latin for the past three years and I'm doing this year too. But I have to learn a living language so I'm taking Spanish with this homeschool class. Spanish class lasts two hours, with no break, and by the end all sixteen students in the room are going insane. Spanish has been incredibly easy for me but that's not a good thing because it means just more bordom. 

       For you people who use Mozilla Firefox(if you don't use it you should and if you do then you rock!) Version 2.0 RC 2 was released last Thursday. It's amazing.

       My new tech "thing" is is basically just a bunch of interesting things that people have submitted. Most of it's stuff you really don't NEED to know but's fun to read. But occasially you find something that was really worthwhile reading.

Goto go now, 


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