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Heading back home

       I've been staying for the past two weeks in Texas, but today my family is heading home to Alabama(with a 24 stopover at my Aunt's house Wish me luck with that). It's a fourteen hour drive and we'll stay in a hotel on Sunday night and finish the drive on Monday. My Dad's not going to be with us because he already flew home, so Mom's going to be driving, and therefore as the second oldest I'm appointed official map person.(Wish me luck with that also) 

      While I was here my brother and I helped put to my Grandmother's Christmas decoration. As the self named "Computer Geek" I got the job of all the electical wiring. It was really like a puzzle because I had eight spotlights to set up, two wall sockets, and only a limited amount of materials. It was really like a mind puzzle. Took me an hour and a half to get the outside, and another hour to get the inside. But I did it all in the end. 

     Now, I have to pack up my laptop, and start loading my things into the car, so I will say good-bye. 
