Thoughts for the day

Breaking news all! has revamped it's layout! Every geek in the world is now probably throwing a party due to this exciting event.

I saw Eragon last Saturday, and here's my review of it.

Overall, I really liked the movie, except for one thing. The dragon's voice sounded like the bus thing at the Atlanta airport saying "Concourse A, A as in apple. Please hold on." My two favorite characters are the Shade Durza(I love the hair, should have made his face whiter though), and Murtaugh(love the outfit, and personality) and I thought they were done well. Also, the scenes between Galbatorix and Durza, that were added I thought were really cool. I'm glad they added them. They didn't follow strictly to the book, but I think this way it worked out better for the movie. For example, a good part of the book is devoted to following Brom and Eragon's traveling, and the movie didn't dwell too long on that, which was good. It would have been very boring. The fight between Durza and Eragon, wasn't like it was in the book, but it was still very cool. Overall, I was impressed with the movie, despite was other reviews have said. There could have been some improvements here and there, but overall I really liked it. This movie definitely goes on my list of good movies(along with Lord of the Rings, Pirate's of the Caribbean, Star Wars, and Gladiator)

So there you go.

My recital was a week ago, and here's the recording of the piece I played. There's a few mistakes here and there, but I'm happy over all. You can listen to the recording HERE . Not that anyone would be interested but HERE is a copy of the music. 

Christmas break is here for me and I am so grateful.


on December 19, 2006 at 12:33 AM

And your 12?!
I am not halfway through the recidal...and I am IMPRESSED
It's great
You sped up a bit, but overall it was like, GREAT for a 12 year old to be playin that
What's the song?
PS-WHo's makin the slapping noise(A metronome?)
on December 19, 2006 at 1:35 AM

Thank you! The piece is "Rondo a Capriccio(Rage over a lost penny)" by Beethoven. My tempo was a little inconsistent, that's something I need to work on. I'll have plenty of fun with that, on my Bach invention I'm playing.
Slapping noise? I know it's not a metronome, so it might be something in the audience. I was very close to them.
on December 19, 2006 at 1:39 AM

I edited the post and included a copy of the music I found online, just in case you're interested.
on December 20, 2006 at 12:25 AM

I don't know ANYBODY who can play piano that well,(including myself) and I have about 3-4 friends who can play you take lessons? can you read music? or do you just play it by ear? that was just INSANELY awesome!!! And I will definately agree with soyllama that it is GREAT for a 12 year old to be playing that!
on December 20, 2006 at 1:41 AM
(ModifiedComment modified)

Thank again! I've taken lessons for about three years now, but I've been playing music since I was four. Yup, I can read music, I've been reading it since I was four also(Dad insisted). I play with music, and I'm trying to work on playing by ear. My piano only has accepted nine students, so she can give individual attention to each person. There's never an "easy" piece. I'm devoted alot of time to music, and sometimes I think that it might be one of the only things that's kept me from going insane...
on December 20, 2006 at 7:29 PM

WOW. that was awesome. I think you played a little better though when you were at our house. I haven't seen Eragon yet and I can't wait!
on December 20, 2006 at 7:42 PM

Ah, you caught the three wrong chords in there? Yeah, my fingers slipped. When, I listened to the recording though, I thought that you probably wouldn't notice it that much unless you'd heard the piece before.

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