Thoughts for the day

    Hello all, 

It feels like forever since I've blogged. One week.

So, a couple of weeks ago, I applied to have an Ubuntu Linux installation CD sent to me. Ubuntu Linux is a different operating system from windows, the one that you're most likely using now. Anyway, I've been wanting to test out Ubuntu for a while now, but I completely forgot about that CD being sent to me. Well, the CD arrived two days ago, and once the hard-drive on this ancient computer I'm going to use Ubuntu on is wiped out, then I'll be ready to start up Ubuntu! It's very exciting.

I've been reading alot recently. is the ultimate place for geeks who love tech news to hang out. It work by, someone submits a post that links to another post on another site about something. If the other digg users think the link is interesting/useful/funny/etc then they do something called "digging it" When somebody "diggs" a link then that post gets one point. If the post gets a certain number of points(usually around 50) then that post makes the front page, and the person who submitted that link gets fame, and glory. On the other hand, if you don't like the link and you think it is spam/dumb/inaccurate/etc then they "bury" it which in a sense takes away one "digg" from the the post. You can also post comments under the post that links to something, and if you think one particular comment is funny/intelligent/etc then you "digg it up" which gives it a point, and if you think the comment was dumb/biased/etc then you "digg it down" which takes away a point. All comments start out at +0, so if someone diggs you down then your comment has -1 points. The most I've ever seen a comment dugg down is -700. But, that rarely happens. Ok, ok, I'll zip it on now. 

I just recently read the book  Eragon and I totally loved it. The movie comes out next Friday, and I cannot wait to see it! I love fantasy books(in particular books about dragons), so Eragon was the perfect book for me. I'm watching the trailers for the movie over and over again.....

That was a long blog post.....

goto go,


on December 11, 2006 at 8:52 PM

Eragon is the BEST book EVER!

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