International Talk Like a Pirate Day

    Unfortunatly I wasn't able to blog on Talk Like a Pirate Day(Sep 19) because poohblogs was being stupid, and getting all sorts of errors. But anyway, I proudly wore my pirate shirt, and freaked out everyone in all of my classes by getting to each one early and greeting everyone with  an "Ahoy Matey! ARRRRRR!". My brother, unfortunately, stands on the ninja side of things, and therefore will have to wait until November 5th(International Creep Like a Ninja Day) to celebrate. I, however, stand firmly on the Pirate side of things.

   Ask a stupid question day is on the 28th so don't forget!

   As you can see, I've changed the layout, and changed the picture to right. I think it might actually be the first one I've had in two years that doesn't follow a very strict column design. I'm happy. 

 On another note, I recently finished the anime 'Trigun', and all I can say is.... wow. After waiting THREE days for the 5.5 GIG file to finish downloading(and stealing a whole lot of the house's bandwidth in the process), I had high hopes for this anime, and I was not disappointed. The animation was done by 'Mad House', one of my more favorite companies, that incidently, also animated Death Note.  Trigun is a western sci-fi, something I haven't watched much of, so that was different.  The balance between humor, and seriousness I think is done really well, and there were some scenes that made me tear up for the first time in a long while. Nicholas D. Wolfwood(on the picture to the right), as now officially replaced L from Death Note as my favorite anime character ever.  

onSeptember 25, 2007at3:48 PM

i love pirates!!! at camp this summer my friends and i "comendeered" a "ship" lol.
onSeptember 28, 2007at7:34 AM

pirates and ninjas are awesome when i was like 3 yrs old i was a ninja for hollween. to day sept. 28,2007 i am sick i have cogestgen and my tonsills are inflamed. so relly i cannot ask stupid qustins.

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