Completely pointless quizzes that I can't keep away from

Here are the results from some quizzes I took of this funny site. Be warned that most of them don't actually express my personality but are just fun. 



You are OS X. You tend to be fashionable and clever despite being a bit transparent.  Now that you've reached some stability you're expecting greater popularity.
Which OS are You?



You are Lisp.  Very few people like you (Probably because you use too many parenthesis (You better stop it (Reallly)))

 Which Programming Language are You?

For those of you who are wondering Lisp is a programming language. 



THIS quiz actually expressed what I'm like.



You are You like to make people laugh. You like to make fun of people who believe your jokes.  You are geeky.  You are the best.
Which Website are You?


 All of the quizzes are pretty stupid but I just couldn't bring myself to pass them by! Cool

on September 19, 2006 at 10:52 PM

Yeh, I LOVE them..
Also, to waste endless time, check out:
on September 21, 2006 at 11:14 PM

they're pretty pointless but there kind'a cool!
on September 22, 2006 at 12:03 AM