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*Raises eyebrows*

        Did anybody else besides me see the posts by members "-Dude-", "Shutup", and "luckyduck?" The first two listed members, posted "Hey you (INSERT FOUL LANGUAGE THAT I REFUSE TO NAME HERE)" followed by a bunch of "as;dlkfjdlljfj" gibberish. And Luckyduck posted tons of "sldjfsdfadkfjaslkdj" blogs one of which had a note that said "We want this site shut down." For those of you who don't know the admin was active last night, and when LD(who was sara and casey) said something about creating tons of usernames the admin quickly squashed that idea by saying that multiple usernames were not allowed. At this point I shut down the computer and went to bed. Does anybody else have any light to shed on this matter? 
