Edward Elric Branches Out

    Hastings in an amazing place. With everything from the V For Vendetta graphic novel, to volume 12 of Death Note, Hastings almost never fails. Todaydefault I saw something new. Standing in line at the register I saw a can labeled 'Duff'. Obviously it referred to Duff Beer from the Simpsons(although this was an energy drink), and there were a number of other cans with different characters of various shows on them. Looking at one I thought "Hey, that looks alot like Ed from Fullmetal Alchemist. Jeez, sure sign I'm watching too much anime when I see anime characters on energy drink cans!". Then, I took a second look. Sure enough, it was the ELRIC brothers on a energy drink CAN. Of course I flipped out. Who wouldn't, seeing one of your favorite characters from one of your favorite anime on a can in front of you? As for how the drink itself tastes? Meh, it's okay. But that's not the POINT. The point is seeing anime on a can. It's times like this that I love capitalism.
onDecember 2, 2007at2:23 PM

haha, anime on a can!
It's exciting when you see something familiar that most people aren't aware of. Except sometimes then more and more people get aware of it, and suddenly what you once liked is now liked by everyone else, and people don't believe you when you say "I liked ____ before it was cool." that's not so fun. :/

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