Pirates and Emperors

I have a new favorite quote.

"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagosing it, and misapplying the wrong remedies." -Groucho Marx

I'm a huge fan of Groucho Marx, and so have put his picture to the right, and updated my About Me page with a bunch of his quotes.

And now, I'm going to post a video. No, is it not an hour and fifteen minutes long like the last one.

I think I've watched this about thirty times over, and everything stated is absolutely true.

Aparrently both Mike Gravel, and Ron Paul have stated that they dislike drug laws, and will abolish them if elected president. I really like Mike Gravel, just as a person, because he says what he thinks is right no matter if it will hurt his chances of being elected or not. The world would be a better place if more people were like him.

on May 3, 2007 at 3:30 AM

That video was hilarious, it's a shame too many people would find that offensive - I'd like to see that clip on Fox News, lol. I agree with the pirates & emperors argument entirely!

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