Random questions

Here's just some random facts about me. 


Random Details
Eye Color:Brown
Hair Color:dark brown and light brown streaked
Right handed or Left handed?right handed
Worst Fears:boredom, long classes, and spiders
First Thoughts on Waking up:must.... get.... up.....
Favorite Food:mexican food
Most Overused Phrase:any type of sarcasm
Favorite Weather:stormy
Thing the teacher's get annoyed at you for:sleeping in class...
Favorite genre of music:classical, polyphony, jazz, punk rock
Favorite color:dark red
Favorite school subject:history
Dumbest thing you've ever done:tried to microwave soap(I was 7). Made the whole house stink
Your everyday clothing:Jeans and a T-shirt
Dislikes:long classes, watching long movies, long-winded people
Likes:nonfiction, music, tech,

You can take the survey if you want. 
About the sleeping in class thing, yes I sleep in the few outside classes I take. I've perfected the art of sleeping sitting straight up in my chair. And so long as I'm making A's the teacher can't complain.  On the topic of classes, I REALLY don't want to go to Spanish tomorrow.... maybe I can call in sick. 
on February 3, 2007 at 2:35 AM
(ModifiedComment modified)

I took it and yeah, answers....

Random Details
Eye Color:Blue-green
Hair Color:Sandy blond
Right handed or Left handed?Right
Worst Fears:Car Crashes and really big bug.
First Thoughts on Waking up:"My morning breath taste like {Insert taste}"
Favorite Food:Anything that looks good, taste good, and if it looks bad it it anyway
Most Overused Phrase:"You're joking right?"
Favorite Weather:Partly cloudy
Thing the teacher's get annoyed at you for:Making jokes they don't get
Favorite genre of music:Depends on my mood
Favorite color:To many! ( thanks crayola..)
Boyfriend?:Heh, yeah right.
Favorite school subject:English
Dumbest thing you've ever done:Run into a wall then into it again
Your everyday clothing:T-shirt, jeans, and a cool jacket
Dislikes:Anything that puts me down or makes me feel sick (Even just one time)
Likes:I don't know, writing a new story, opening a new book, ect. (I'm a nerd)


I do think "My morning breath taste like {Insert taste}" just about every morning it's really funny, also you tried to microwave soap?! Thats so cool!
on February 3, 2007 at 5:47 PM

I used 2 be afraid of spiders 2, but now I like them.
on February 3, 2007 at 8:31 PM

My Mom didn't think the same thing Geek! She didn't leave me home alone for another six months!
on February 6, 2007 at 9:50 AM

It's been so long since I've used the site, but now that I have been reminded of the beautiful reincarnation of poohblogs, I have returned. I'm not sure what you have for my e-mail address, but I think it may be different than my main one. Thankyou for all, and I hope to hear from you soon ModernGeek!
on February 6, 2007 at 1:23 PM

Hey, Glassjaw! It's been a long time.
on February 7, 2007 at 12:45 AM

It sure has, I've been so busy these last few months, but I think I'm going to be visiting the site a lot more frequently now that I've finally got my schedule straight. I'd love to sit down sometime and have a conversation with you, though not through comments if possible... if you have AIM or ICQ, or email, or PM, anything would suffice. I have to go back to work now, catch up with ya later.
on February 7, 2007 at 2:57 AM

You can reached me at [email protected], and through AIM as aheroic1
on February 7, 2007 at 11:09 PM

I want AIM soooooo bad but my dad says it's "Virusie."
on February 7, 2007 at 11:46 PM

Well, that it is, but I use an alternative called Gaim. It uses an AIM account and works the same way, except, that it's free from all adds, add ons, basically all the bad stuff AIM has.

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