Many different things

It's been almost a week since I blogged last. That must be a world record for me! 

It's Friday the Thirteenth! Be extra careful today! LOL! 

For Halloween I'm being(don't laugh) the Google Search Engine. I've made my costume using ONLY things around the house. I'm going to wear this Google logo hat that I made. Here it is


 There a head strap behind it. I'm not going to go Trick-or-treating this year because 1) I'm getting a bit old for it and 2) I'll get more questions about my costume if I stay home and give out candy! My little siblings will go though. 

 For all you Firefox users out there(You ROCK!) Firefox 2.0 is supposed to be released any day now! Yay!

 Google bought of the most popular sites on the web. It's an internet video site) just the other day for 1.65 billion dollars. Very exciting!

There's this neat thing I learned how to do the other day. You take regular popsicle stick and weave them together to make a shape. Then when you throw this "bomb" at someone it explodes and popsicle sticks fly all over the place. It's neat. Some pictures are below.


The basic square shape that everyone knows......


A shape that I designed......


Another shape that I designed. This one is EXTREMELY hard to make, because it explodes real easily so when your making one it quite often explodes in your face.  

I ordered a book of Lord of the Rings solos for Violin and Piano, so I've been working on that. 

Goto Go now,


onOctober 14, 2006at1:51 AM

COOL! have you tested any of those on Nick?
onOctober 14, 2006at2:44 AM

Yes I have! Many times! :)
onOctober 14, 2006at5:02 AM

you a girl or boy?
onOctober 14, 2006at6:17 AM

Cool costume. I'm being a flapper and I think this will probably be my last year trick or treating and going to this church carnival we got to. I mean I am getting a bit old, and also the kids stuff is realy for under twelve I mean thats the oldest the vbs goes and next year I'll be twelve so... Yeah. Anyways cool costume.
onApril 12, 2007at10:25 PM

onApril 12, 2007at10:27 PM

sorry about that, i got a user just to talk to you. Those popsicle stick things: I'm a fanatic. Go to I have an email there. If you have a myspace, look up joe conflo. Also, your pics of frame bombs don't show up on my browser. Could you email them to me? Make sure I know it's you, because my email client will truncate the message and I will have to authorize it to open bigger messages.
onApril 14, 2007at4:26 AM

Ah sorry, I took off the pictures because they messed up my new template's margins, and now I'm sorry, but I don't have them! Maybe I'll try to make some more and post pictures of them up.

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