Softball game!!!!!!

Ok I'm just so overfilled with joy that I just had to blog this. I WON MY SOFTBALL GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!! The final score was 14-4 and I HIT A HOMERUN!!!!! And in my league only about three homeruns are hit per season so I am SSSSOOOOOO happy!(sorry just had to get that out of my system)
on May 4, 2006 at 5:08 PM

Well, it's always good to hear good news. I've not played much softball myself, but I've played quite a bit of baseball when I was younger.
on May 7, 2006 at 2:50 PM
(ModifiedComment modified)

Hey good job my cousin that use to be on poohblogs blowpop won her basketball game and you feel really good wene you win the game. Well good job
on August 6, 2006 at 9:10 PM

good job moderngeek!

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