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Ramblings on Justice

    I was reflecting once again on the implications of Death Note, and specifically the theme of justice. These are just my ramblings.

    Of all words, I think that 'justice' has been the one the most misused. It's been used to excuse atrocities of all sorts.

    What is justice?  "Justice is the firm and continuous desire to render to everyone that which is his due. -Justinian"

    Who is the ultimate decision-maker of what is right and what is wrong? God.

    Should the civil law mirror the natural one? No. Actions in which there is no victim should not be crimes. 

    How can we know what punishment is fitting to what crime? This is where I get stuck.  What should the punishment be for, say, murder? Death? Absolutely not. Who are we to judge who lives and who dies? What about false accusations? It's not right to deliver a punishment so final and irreversible. Life in prison? Again, no. Most murders are simply burglaries gone wrong. They didn't mean to kill someone it just... happened. A life behind bars is not a life at all, it's only a shade below the death penalty. Besides, what good does that do anyone? In cases where said person is a true danger to the community, then I can possibly see that, but only the extreme cases. Well, what now? There's still no answer the question of 'how much is a human life worth?'. Obviously, it's impossible to put a price on one, but yet we have to if we are to have a punishment of some sort. 

    What about the punishments dealt out for minor offenses? Why is parking in the wrong zone only a $10 fine, but not coming to a full stop at a stop sign a $110 fine? What makes the fine rise $100? Both cases there is no victim, but the later presents more of a danger to others(technically, there are 'gray' areas), but why is is it $110 instead of $50. I can only come to the conclusion that these fines are competely arbitrary.

    What about stealing? Someone steals something that's wroth $10, but are fined $800. Where does that extra $790 come from? It seems to be just pulled out of thin air.  

    I have no answers yet.