I. Hate. Airports.

Once again, I traveled through an airport this morning. You gotta love the overweight security guard ordering you around, the metal detector that goes off if you have a dime in your pocket, getting stuck in a traffic jam and missing your flight, and experiencing the extrordinary difference that happens in the few feet between security and the sections where the gates are at. Everything was dark, cold, and oppressive, and then suddenly everything becomes happy, cheery, as if people are actually trying to make your trip as easy as possible. Yeah, if you can't tell, I hate going through security. Sure, everyone is a potential criminal, but the difference is, that you're treated as "guiltly until proven innocent" instead of "innocent until proven guilty". That, I think, is the big difference between the private sector, and the public sector.

A most extraordinary thing happened on the way to the airport though. Dad and I are in the car, and have bad luck and run into a huge traffic jam because of some construction. We were inching along. So, you know that side lane that you're not supposed to drive in, and is there for people who have to pull over? While we're sitting there inching along for two miles, every single person in each car keeps looking at that side lane thinking "I really want to just get into that lane, and drive ahead." but nobody did until about the end of mile two. Then some cars(us included) take the risk and hop into the side lane, thus saving a whole lot of time of inching along. Now, about this point everybody's frustrated, and the lane divider lines become almost nonexistant. But, the extraordinary thing was, nobody crashed. It was a perfect example of perfect order within chaos. A really remarkable sight.

My latest project is printing manga. Most of you know how I swore that I wouldn't buy anything from VIZ Media again, after their ridiculous C&D letters they sent out. But, the small problem was, VIZ Media has licensed ALOT of manga, some of which I REALLY want to read. So, my solution is, to to either read it on mangavolume.com for free, or if mangavolume.com doesn't have it, then download it chapter by chapter(A time-taking process) and print it all out. Now, each chapter is between twenty and thirty pages. And the three series I'm doing right now have 49, 108, and 148 chapters. That's ALOT of papter, but definately cheaper than buying each volume.

I've totally lost interest in Harry Potter, and so as soon as the seventh book was released, I read the an entire summary of it on Wikipedia. I'm too lazy to actually read the book. :)

a reader person
on July 23, 2007 at 9:03 PM

Nice blog! airports are just incredible. they didn't used to be so bad, but someone had the bright idea of putting a bunch of life-time bureaucrats with guns in charge of "security" so that nothing works and it is super-duper slow and crazy all the time, and if you complain, you get sent to a work camp or something. It's all so silly. Glad you survived another flight!
on July 24, 2007 at 5:40 AM

Yeah, Harry Potter got boring for me after the 4th book.
on July 24, 2007 at 8:31 AM

Yeah, that's where I lost interest as well. The books 1 through 4 all had a plot line that covered the entire book, where 5 and 6 just seemed to have this huge section where nothing is accomplished and then in the last five chapters something happens. Also, you can sympathize with an eleven year old kid, but by the time he's reached seventeen you're just like "Yes, you have a stupid scar on your head. Now get over yourself."
on July 24, 2007 at 12:02 PM

I know what you mean. I don't even read the books and I think it's boring...
on July 24, 2007 at 12:25 PM

Just as you said, there really is nothing getting done in 5 or 6. In the 5th I read all the way to page 112, after that I just stopped. It was just boring beyond anything.
on July 25, 2007 at 5:47 AM

...sorry...the library keeps blocking this site and I have to ask the librarians to unlock it and most of the time thye don't...
on July 28, 2007 at 11:27 AM

Sadly I was one of the lame brains wearing the old Harry Potter glasses at Barns and Noble the night it came out. I guess it's hard for an avid reader of fantasy to lose hope in the Harry Potter books.

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