Socialism is everywhere

    Last Saturday I finally finished the Confirmation class I've had to attend this past school year. About half the classes talked about the 'community', but there was one class in particular that reeked of socialism.

    Each class was a lecture given by a different person each week. This particular class was titled 'Catholic Social Teaching'. It started out with the teacher asking everyone to take off their coat and look on the tag to see where it was made. Places such as China, Taiwan, Honduras, etc. were named. She then named out the salaries people per week make there. I can't remember the exact numbers but I know they were very low, $1 a week, or something like that. This was apparently supposed to prove that people in those countries are very poor. Which they are, but she forgot to take into consideration that in those places like that, a dollar would be worth MUCH more, then here. Well, moving on.

    Then, she asked where people bought cloths. People said, Wal-Mart, Gap, Old Navy, Target and others. She said(and I am NOT exagerating in any way) 'Those companies exploit people in poor countries! By buying products of those places you have said that you support the idea that people live in horrible conditions, for low pay! We must all boycott such companies, to stop such horrible practices!' So, I'm thinking 'What? You want us to go spend more money then we usually would in order to try to put Wal-Mart out of business, which would make lives for people in those poor countries even worse?' And here are the economics behind the statement 'Wal-Mart, Gap, Old Navy, and Target are great things for the people in poor countries'. 

    The companies mentioned above are all providing jobs for people, which they wouldn't have otherwise had. If they didn't have those jobs, then they would be getting NO money at all. Thus, if more factories were moved into the poor countries mentioned, there would be competition between the companies, and wages would rise. Telling the companies to move out, it like taking away those people's source of income.

    Is this so hard to understand? All it takes five seconds, to take a 'second thought' after hearing the idea, to disprove it. Then, I listened in utter shock as all the girls at my table start saying 'Yeah! We should boycott Wal-Mart!'. 

    Then she moved on to the topic of recycling. She said we should recycle our paper, because our trees are being destroyed, blah, blah blah, you've heard it all before. Here's the problem with that idea.

    When we recycle something we reduce the need for it to be produced. If there isn't a need for trees to be produced then they won't be. So, logically, if you want more trees, then you should strive to use as much paper as possible. A good example of this theory is chickens. There are tons, and tons, and TONS of chickens in the world. That's because people eat lots of chickens. If people stopped eating chickens in an attempt to 'save' them, then the need for chickens would go away, and businesses would stop raising chickens, thus drastically reducing the amount of chickens in the world.  

    Basically this lady just bashed money, and the market for an hour and fifteen minutes. It was just a bunch of anti-capitalistic trash. And at the end she announces 'This is Catholic Social Teaching!'. No it is NOT. Not even close. Her ideas are miles off. Her basic 'thing' was that the government should force all companies out of poor countries thus putting them out of business, and that we should all be happy little people running around in a jungle somewhere with no technology at all. 

  Oh, and the funny this is, that aparrently she has an mega membership at the local health club. Apparently, in her mind, using money to buy cheap clothes is evil, but using it to work out on fancy, expensive equiptment is perfectly alright!  

  This was the only class that was so strongly socialist, but about half of them total would speak about the 'community' and 'working together' to 'save the enviroment' the people in poor countries.

But thank goodness it's all over now. 

Oh, and apparently it's been discovered that there's warming Mars, which obviously has no people occupying it, thus strongly suggesting that Global Warming is in fact, caused by the sun.  

on May 15, 2007 at 12:55 AM
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I'm sorry for you; I thought craziness at that level had been limited to the Episcopalians (assuming I spelled that right).

The whole "Wages at McDonald's et al/sweat-shops in Africa are too low! We must boycott and/or raise the minimum wage!" thing is getting old. If people aren't worth $1 a week or 5.50 an hour, making it so that they can't get work and can't buy cheap, reliable products (because Wal-Mart has been boycotted) is *not* going to help them. I love it when some economic ignoramus slavishly repeats "I hate Wal-Mart. I wish they'd all burn to the ground right now." Then, of course, I ask them when it last was that they shopped at Wal-Mart. Rarely is it more than a month.

I love the example about recycling and chickens: people don't seem to get that "saving" things by making them illegal just doesn't work. Endangered species come to mind: noone can breed them in large quantities because it's illegal, and if one wanders one to your land, it's that animal or your land! "Shoot, shovel, and shut up" as the saying goes. Boy, if our protection over those animals was any stronger, they'd already be extinct.

Another interesting tid-bit or two about recycling: if it is so universally acknowledged as good, why are recycling plants closing down, heavily subsidized when they aren't, and only paying up for aluminum cans? If recycling is so desperately needed, why does the government basically have to run the centers? Why don't entrepreneurs step in and take over? Also, not only does paper recycling hurt trees, but it hurts the environment as well; before recycling paper is just another harmless, biodegradable piece of trash. But recycling that innocent paper requires a heck of a lot of bleach to wash all the ink off. Now you have recycled paper. . . and a heck of a lot of an unusable biohazard. Way to save the environment! I swear, if we try any harder to save the enviroment and the poor, everyone is going to be in a lot of trouble.

I think your greeny-teacher meant "Catholic/Socialist teaching" but 'social' is close enough. And she has no qualms about the gym membership because noone has told her to have any. Besides, encouraging people to boycott expensive gyms wouldn't hurt poor people, and we couldn't have that.

Ouch, how'd you manage to go the whole year in this class? I bet it was tough not to burst in every five minutes or so and tell the teacher off! By the way, why'd you have to take this class? Is it part of your school or part of your church? I thought you were homeschooled, but if it was part of your church, why didn't you just quit? Sorry about all the questions (as if you haven't already written a lot!) and thanks for posting; it gets kinda lonely around here; I think you and I are the only people posting on this blog :P
on May 15, 2007 at 2:12 AM

See, this was the class I had to take at my Church to receive Confirmation, so I had to do it, seeing as I just received my Confirmation this year. If I quit, I would have to do the whole thing again in two years.

The Sunday School classes at my Church are kind of messed up, because we for as long as I can remember we've a woman who's OBSESSED with missions to the poor/saving the environment, who, unfortunate, happens to be in charge of all class type things that go on here. Thank goodness she's retiring at the end of the school year, and we're getting another person who seems pretty level headed.

When I post on something serious, then people rarely comment, except for glassjaw seeing as most of the people here just aren't interested. I always have to struggle trying to find something that will interest all the ages.
on May 15, 2007 at 12:46 PM

Bleh. I hate mandatory courses, especially when they're run by socialists! Boy how I hate helpful people. At least you're through it now and your teachers will be switched out.
Yeah, the bat thing was a big hit, but noone takes serious a 'radical freak' blogger who's blogging at You could always do something about Groucho; those quotes you have in your "about me" page were great.
By the way, am I violating some blogging code by commenting twice? Noone else has, but then again, I've got nothing better to do, and noone else much posts.
on May 15, 2007 at 5:33 PM

Nope, you're not violating any blogging code. It's just there hasn't been much discussion recently. Poohblogs has been slow recently, probably because it's almost the end of the school year. Things will pick up after school's out.
I was thinking on doing something on the Marx brothers movie 'Duck Soup' because 1)You can watch on Youtube and 2) All ages love it.
on May 16, 2007 at 12:57 AM

I'm glad I'm not being too radical :P
I guess it's good that poohblogs will pick up over the summer; I was thinking things were going to stay so slow that it'd just be us homeschoolers. Then I thought I'd switch over to a larger, more mainstream blogging site (like!) but the only reason I'd do that is because I hate the name of this one. Well, at least here I can blame poohblogs when people don't take me seriously.
That Duck Soup thing sounds interesting; it's good that you've found something to cover the generation gap; noone doesn't like humor, everyone likes Groucho, and a blogger blogging about the two can't go wrong ;-). I think I'm going to go find it on YouTube.

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