The Global Warming Swindle

I just finished watching an hour and 15 minutes long google video titled 'The Global Warming Swindle'. It's a documentary discussing Global Warming and the overwhelming evidence against it. Regardless of what you believe, I think that everyone should watch this video, because after all isn't science about finding truth?

I know that an hour and 15 minutes is long, but I watched it several segments and treated it like part of my science course.

I'm putting a small version of it below, but if you're really planning on watching it all the way through then go to the original link which is




on April 26, 2007 at 10:25 PM

Speaking of global warming, my science teacher the other day told me that CO2 was to be a bit thanked for helping stop some UV rays from entering our little world. By the way have you yet to hear about the new planet discovered named 581C?
on April 27, 2007 at 12:02 AM

Yup, I've heard about 581C. It was on recently and if it's on then I can guarantee my obsessed self will hear about it. :)
About UV rays, CO2 is a greenhouse gas that makes up part of the atmosphere of the earth. Without out the atmosphere the suns rays would simply bounce off the earth leaving the earth frozen planet. The atmosphere traps the earth's heat in the area between it and the earth, therefore warming the planet. So CO2 is helping the earth.

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