Have we been brainwashed?

Ok, so apparently there was this poll taken where Americans were asked "What is worse, parking in a fire lane or illegal downloading a movie?" 59% of Americans said that parking in a fire lane was a more serious offense. But, I am seriously worried about the other 41% of Americans! You would rather risk endangering people's lives, and getting your car smashed up(firefighters will sometimes smashed the front and back windshields of your car to get you back), then download a movie??!! What the heck! Have we been so brainwashed by the MPAA that we will not consider anything to be worse then downloading??!! I am not making this up. HERE is the link to the MSNBC article.

On the subject of illegal downloading, I recently heard that my all time favorite downloading site Thepiratebay.org is going to try to buy it's own country! That's right it's OWN county. They're trying to buy the Province of Sealand a small man made island. The value of the country is estimated at 504 million dollars. If piratebay gets this country it will be totally free of all stupid copyright laws. I'd want to move there. :D


Note to Geek: Wonderful chapter! Keep updating sooner!


on January 29, 2007 at 2:14 PM

OK yes that whole download a movie and park in a fire lane thing does scare me. Just to let you know I have a mild concussion, and Its makin me forget things lol....sorry randomness....
on January 29, 2007 at 11:06 PM

Oh thanks about the chapter! And yeah that is a bit odd that most people think that parking in a fire lane is worse off then getting movies off the internet with out proper payment and such. Heh thats funny that The Pirate bay is trying to buy its own country, even if it's small thats really cool!

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