More Craziness

So, I took this quiz thing and here's the results. 

Are you a good spy? 

Your alias is Bond. James Bond. Life is a secret game, and you know all the cheats and codes to dodge the bullets of uncertainty. Your demeanor is smooth and calculating as you ponder your next move. Mystery excites you. Adventure intrigues you. Danger claims your brain. The odds are... you won't live to see tomorrow.

One of these days I'm going to make my own personality test, so I can stop being annoyed when test results tell me something about myself that's totally and absolutely wrong. 

I've never really gone for the whole "handwriting tells about your personality" thing.(Actually, I've never for any of those things that supposedly tell you about yourself) But just the other day I took this online handwriting test and it was surprising how accurate it was. Sure there was some stuff that I just thought "What! I'm not like that, and never will be!", but the majority of the information was pretty close. 


 I don't know if you can see the word at the top of the above picture(I had to resize it) but they said "Free handwriting Analysis self-test from Handwriting University" Now, I'm sorry but the thought of a "Handwriting University" sounds so utterly stupid, that I can hardly believe it. So, when you're interviewing for a job you can say "I got a degree in handwriting from Handwriting University!" I mean come on! 


Everything said in this video is true to some extent. Even the part of Bill Gate's singing. The Zune can only get music that's in Microsoft format which eliminates a WHOLE lot of stuff.

Well bye for now!


on January 9, 2007 at 2:19 AM

That zune thing is really true! It is a bit late after the whole big selling of iPods and what not and it does seem a bit cheesy, only cool thing ( in a way ) is that you can trade music with other people, but you have to be really close to their zune, and the music they trade you only last for like a few days, or when you listen to it it will go away. I think I'll stay with my ipod zune not worth it.
on January 9, 2007 at 2:59 AM

I agree! I love my iPod, and my iPod loves me!
on January 9, 2007 at 10:27 PM

Did you know? That most of microsoft's operating system came from apple computers. It was given to bill gates in return for bill buying 10% because they're profits plummeted after steve jobs left (he made pixar). And then came back to return to apple computers.
I hate PCs of any kind, only good for games. Macintosh computers are expensive but much more quality than quantity. Meaning many companies make PCs but none are a mainstream type. Only macintosh computers are made by apple. They're resellers but no other makers. Only 1 source.
The more ya know!
on January 9, 2007 at 10:28 PM

ALSO... Steve jobs is releasing the iPhone today at an expo. It's supposed to be like a PDA and phone. The network will be provided by Cingular.
on January 9, 2007 at 10:48 PM

Yeah, I was reading this morning, and the users were totally freaking out over the release of the iPhone.
I use PC's because, there's some programs that I use on a regular basis that only run on windows, and PC's are less expensive. But, I know that Macs are much better.
on January 10, 2007 at 11:52 PM
(ModifiedComment modified)

Haha, I just read my results for the hand writing quiz. It told me that I'm un-self-confident becuase I think of myself poorly because I slant my writitng a bit. It also told me that I have a hot temper because I tend to have the lines on my t's to the left, I'm neither of them haha I just found that a bit funny.
on January 12, 2007 at 12:25 AM

haha i totally agree about the whole handwriting university thing! i wonder what kind of job you would be able to get with a degree in handwriting?!? but who knows, maybe there is some sort of job...
on January 14, 2007 at 7:19 PM

Yeah also microsofts wma format literally sucks. It has to buffer every couple of seconds if it's streaming. Quicktime format is very clear and only buffers at the beginning of a movie or song and is always usually crystal clear unless the movie was poor quality too begin with.

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