
Ok, I got so totally bored so I decided to have some fun and show some yahoo avatar pictures of myself
Here's me when I actually take the time to put my hair in a ponytail(You won't see me like this often )
And yes I TOTALLY love verizon wireless and also LOVE any type of technology, including a blue tooth which is what I have in the pictures

Here's me when I don't take the time to put my hair in a ponytail(I look like this about 98% of the time. It's not that I'm lazy I just am so busy with school, and all the jobs and managing I do on the web that I just don't have time. Softball also hasn't helped either)

And on both of the pictures just try to exclude the makeup from your vision because I DO NOT and DO NOT every intend to wear makeup(no offense to anyone)
on May 9, 2006 at 12:53 AM

AMEN!! who would want to wear makeup to cover up their real APPEARANCE!? Again, no offense to anyone who DOES wear makeup, i just don't. I know someday i will have to, though.
on May 9, 2006 at 12:36 PM

I agree! I mean why use special products to make yourself someone you aren't? I say Be proud of who you are!
on May 9, 2006 at 8:28 PM
(ModifiedComment modified)

i wouldn't even have the patience to even put it on! (not like i would ever want to!)

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