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I now officially hate Itunes

   Augh, for the last hour I've been trying to find a way to fix Itunes(Apple's ipod software) so that it will stop giving a 4000 error when I try to burn CDs. I've tried every single possible known fix found on the internet but still no. I've ended up converting all my Itunes music(which is ALOT) to mp3 format so I can burn it using something else. Only problem is that doing this takes AGES. It's on file 4 of 249, and it takes about two minutes to convert one file. And all to burn one CD. 

     Anyway, I'm so excited about Halloween! My little siblings are going trick or treating but I'm not because 1) I look like I'm fifteen so when I show up at a door with a bunch little kids people look at me like "What is she doing here" 2) I can show off my great Google Costume better if I home and give out candy, with a friend whose going as Captain Cook. and 3) The only candy I like is chocolate and my younger sister doesn't like chocolate that much so she'll just give all her chocolate to me! 

     But, Goto go now,
