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The Matrix

I saw the first Matrix movie for the first time the other day, and after hearing so many good things about it, I have to say... I was disappointed. Most of the movie consisted of "OMG!!11!!! I can't believe this!!1!!". But there are some things which I learned from this movie.

1) All people of any importance whatsoever are required to wear black leather all the time, no matter how useful it really is.

2) All people of importance must also be able to magically temporarily glue their glasses to their head when they flip, otherwise those glasses would surely fall down.

3) All people of importance must also always wear trench coats, and be able to magically keep them from getting cauaght on things, even when running through extremely small spaces.

4) What ever the oracle says... the opposite happens.(This one can actually be applied to any movie with an oracle)

5) All agents look exactly the same.

6) If a machine is to have any plot impact at all, it must have ten zillion wires leading to no aparrent place.

7) To be able to do anything with a computer, you somehow have to master the skill of reading letters and numbers(the Matrix code) that are scrolling by several times too fast for the human eye to be able to read.

8) Bullets, when slowed down, have little spirals coming out of the back of them.

9) To be a person of importance you also have to be able to shoot a gun with perfect accuracy without even looking at the target. 

So, as you can see, I was completely unimpressed with how unrealistic the whole movie was. I can deal with unrealisticallity when it's in an anime, or cartoon, but in what is aparrently trying to be a serious movie, it's just totally stupid. I also have no intention of seeing the next two Matrix movies, because aparrently these are WORSE, than the first, and I don't think I could sit through them.