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Can you tell the difference between a fake smile and a real smile?

     First of all, I want to apologize with the empty blog that was previously just below this. That mistake happened, because I was gone all this weekend starting Friday, and while I was in the car on the way there I thought "Oh, I'll bet I can text message to my email blogging address that will automatically pos the message, just mentioning that I'm away this weekend." So, I spend forever(I'm not so good with the 'thumbs' messaging thing) writing out a message, I click send, and then I get a box that says "Sorry, your message is too big to send to an email address". So, it sent the message, but deleted all the text except for my signature which is "-Moderngeek". I'm telling you, knowing that you all were probably going "huh?" was killing me all weekend!

     So, that being put aside, on to the main reason I'm blogging.

     A very important skill for life(as I'm sure most of us know) is learning to tell the difference between a fake smile and a real smile. I consider myself pretty good at reading people, but here's a funny test I took that's supposed to judge how good you are at it. 

My score was 17/20(two of the ones I missed I had misgivings about), so, going from the comments on digg, that's higher than the average. But, here's a tip. It's all in the bottom eye lids. If they crinkle a little bit, then it's real, if it doesn't move, then it's fake. 

After you've taken the test, anyone else notice how everybody in this test looked really weird? #13 what the heck? Is that supposed to be a sea goddess of some sort?