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What is a Blog?

I was wearing my "I'm blogging this." T-shirt yesterday, and someone asked me "What is a blog?" I have to say that at first I didn't know how to reply. After a pause I said something like "It's like a website but has posts in chronological order. The posts tell about your life, or anything you want." So then this person said "So, it's like an online journal? So when you say "I'm blogging this." you really mean "I'm journaling this"?" And so the discussion went on, while I tried to explain what a blog was, but this person never really did get it. I thought about it alot last night and came up with this definition which I'm going to use if I get asked that question again.

"A blog is a place where you can share your ideas, and give your opinions on other's ideas."

I really like Dilbert,(I get a comic a day by email), and about two days ago there a strip that I found so funny I just have to post it here.


Sorry it's turned to the side, but that's the only way I could get it to fit in my blog margins.

I just found about an amazing thing called about two weeks ago. Lulu offers self-publishing. For those of you who don't know what self-publishing is go to

Anyway, I think it's amazing that something like lulu can exist. I truly do. My Dad takes car of his institute's small online store(they mostly sell books on economics), so I very well know how expensive it is to publish a book, and how it takes eight months for the books to be printed. Lulu is providing a service, that I think is sure to change many things.

You know those coinstar machines that you can trade change in for dollar bills? But, how the machine charges something like a 9% charge for the service? I saw this thing on about how to hack the machine and be able to save that 9%. It was really quite simple, just pull a certain cord out at a certain time. But, I think, that you'd have to be a real slimeball to do this. It's one of those things, which I think it neat to know how to do, but I would never actually do it. Also, hacking a coinstar(or coke) machine, requires you do some actions that pretty much scream out that you hacking it, and who is going to do that in a public place, where these machines are located?
