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My review of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead man's chest

Hello all, I just got back from Pirates of the Caribbean: dead man's chest. First of all I want to say that POTC is SO popular in my town right now that in order to get tickets we had to buy tickets at 10:00 AM when the movie started at 2:40 PM. Ok so anyway. Here's my review. 

Note: This review is not directed toward anyone on this site. I purely writing this from a reviewers point of view and am going to post it on my other website.  


     I can honestly call Pirates of the caribbean: the curse of the black pearl the best movie ever made. Jack Sparrow is witty and his comments leave you laughing hilariously. So of course after going through great lengths to see POTC: curse of the black pear in Theaters and even later downloading it illegally from I of course had to see POTC: dead man's chest. Watching POTC 2 was a truly terrifying experiance. I dont regret it of course of POTC 2 is NOT for the faint of heart. Now I know you all will read this and think "hah well I can handle it!" but think twice about that. Can you sit without flinching watch Jack Sparrow as he stands chained to a mast infront of a giant blood sucking monster with huge teeth and sucking tentacles that's out to eat Jack? While thunderous sounds play in your ear? Really think about it. Are you able to do that without getting a quiver in your chest. If you can't then I DO NOT reconmend seeing POTC 2. Be honest with yourself. Those things said I would like to say that I really don't think POTC 2 was up to the standard of POTC 1. In the first one Jack is funny and witty and the movie while having some scary parts is suitable to my seven year old sister to watch. It's a great plot with lots action, and the costumes are great. In the second one Jack is not as funny and witty and the movie is MUCH more dark. In no. 1. sure there were life threatening experiances but the overall plot(unlike POTC2) was not one that involved death. With POTC2 however the entire plot revolves around death and makes the movie much more dark. It could have used more parts that made you laugh. Though it may seem like I didn't like POTC2 I truly did and it is on my list of top ten movies! 


I leave tomorrow at 10:00 for my camp. I'm going to take my portable laptop but I'm not sure whether or not I'm going to be able to get an internet connection.(but I probably wil be able) Also, if I get a connection then I won't be posting/commenting much because of lack of time so just know that I'm probably surfing site but just not saying anything.