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Linux, Firefox birthday, Sting, and other stuff

   Hello all,

    I found this ancient computer in the attic the other day, so I booted it up, and I'm going to try running a linux operating system on it. But, this computer is seriously messed, so much, that there's nothing anyone could do to save it. So, I'm going to have to wipe out the hard drive.

    Today's is Firefox's second birthday! Exactly two years ago the first stable version of Firefox was released. Thank you Firefox for a terrific browsing experience! 

    I've been listening the singer Sting play songs by the 16th century composer John Dowland. They're played on a lute which is a medieval instrument. My favorite one is "In darkness let me dwell". You can listen to a sample of it HERE. Make sure to have your speakers on!  I also like "Fine Knacks for lady's which you can listen to a bit of HERE.  

   I have a Violin recital on Sunday, and a piano recital on the following Friday. I'm busy!

Goto go now,
